Saturday, December 2, 2023

A Voice in the Desert/Jesus Christians/End Times Survivors ... is an actual cult

 Image result for voice in the desert cult


I personally know THREE people - all Australians - who were caught up in this "religious group".

Let's be blunt: it's a cult.

Two are out, thank God ... one is still in, sadly.

I recently sat through  days of a lawsuit lodged against the leader of the cult, David McKay, by a parent of one of the group members.

One of the people I know testified against Mckay.

I'll be adding more as events come to light.

If you look up A Voice in the Desert on Google or YouTube, you will find a host of comments that reveal just how easily average, everyday Christians can be attracted by the message, and think, "Oh! This is REAL Christianity.

Well. If you're one of the people who listens to the videos, thinking, actually this isn't bad at all - this sound like genuine Christianity to me ... then consider this.

429 people in Kenya are now DEAD because of this cult.

Then I want you to go back, watch the videos again, read the comments again, and ask yourself: 

Why didn't I pick up on the red flags?

Why didn't I notice the characteristics of cults and high-demand groups?

Why didn't I identify the hooks and feel their strong pull?

If you can answer those questions, it will help you resist false doctrines, disinformation, charlatains, grifters and radicalizing ideology in general ... not just cults.