Going after the 'New Age', non-mainstream, Left-leaning alternative health community: the emergence of the "Alt-Light"
So you think Sacha Stone is some amazing new age prophet ushering in the great awakening? Nope. He's Qanon, 100% He is re-branding and re-labeling delusion from far right fundamentalists in America. He is twice deceived - conned by the far right, and conned by the Russian operatives playing the far-right.
Look at the hash-tags right under this video:
The following commentary explains the overlap of delusion on the part of the alternative left and the fundamentalist right:
Anatomy of Delusion: How Otherwise Conscious People Descended into the Darkness
Out of Shadows
Larry Cook's MAGA Trumpists want to believe that he is "on their side" about vaccinations. Yeah ... nah. He's on the side of big business. i.e. neo-liberalist capitalism, as he always has been. So no, don't look to Trump to "save" you from mandatory vaccination. Or climate change. Or systemic racism. Or misogyny. Or the Pornocracy. Or global paedophile cabals.
Trump appears to abandon vaccine sceptic group denounced by scientists
I've also been advised that:
- the reason we all don't have internet now is because of the April 1 "Storm" (Well? Do you still have internet now - or not??);
- Oprah has been arrested and the tunnels under her house smuggling poor brown children have been busted;
- if you're not a MAGA, you're a paedophile or pedophile enabler
- if you wear a mask it shows you are a slave-muzzled sheeple who is trauma-bonded to your "authoritarian" government, stripped of "free speech" and going to hell;
- COVID19 is a hoax all to do with 5G, Qanon, telegony, New World Order, the Mark of the Beast, adrenochrome, red shoes and pizza.
'We can’t get her back': When conspiracy theories 'hijack' friends and family
"Maggie recently unfollowed and blocked her conspiracy-spouting mum. She'd always been into "crystals and Jesus", but about five years ago she took a sharp turn toward lizard-overlord theory."
The Covid Vaccine has 666 Written All Over It…and Why that Doesn’t Matter According to Revelation
(the author is explaining that, according the Bible, conspiracists have got it wrong when they claim that the CV Vaccine carries 'the Mark of the Beast', and explains why from a Biblical perspective).
Wellness Influencers Are Spreading QAnon Conspiracies About the Coronavirus
Why are conspiracy theories rampant in the 'wellness' industry? Welcome to conspirituality
And more from the Institute for Strategic Dialogue. Download and read the entire report:
Anatomy of a Disinformation Empire: Investigating NaturalNews
"Dear spiritual friends,

It hard to see so many "sensitive new age guys" sort of people gobbling up the newest incarnation of patriarchy so avidly.
From Beth Strano:
"I made this to help better define and demonstrate the overlap that we've been seeing in increasing frequency between New Age movements and fascist movements in the US, especially as they come together under the QAnon conspiracy theorist movement. I think it's important that we shine a light on why anti-science and hyper-individualistic mindsets are inherently harmful to our broader society, because the only path forward from those mindsets is towards fascism.
Inspired by this article:Both the New Age and the far-right are drawn to conspiracy theories
Conspiracy theorism infers that people observing basic common sense infection control public health measures are driven by fear. This seems contradictory, when you consider the incredible fear and anxiety bound up in the conspiracy theorism and extremism.
This too seems rather contradictory. Anti-vax in facour of other public health measures is one thing. But to be 1. Anti-vax 2. Anti-lockdown 3. Anti-mask 4. Anti-physical distancing and it starts to get mind-bogglingly mind boggling.
The wellness realm has fallen into conspiritualism – I have a sense why
The collision of new age ‘light and love’ with the conspiratorial world of QAnon may seem surprising, but as a (retired) veteran of the wellbeing industry, Sarah Wilson can see the link
I am observing my local community of alternative lifestyle & New Age spirituality people (a beautiful, rich community of natural-living, nature-loving, creative and conscientious people) being torn apart by conspiracy theorism, just as we saw it cause division and delusion in Christianity. They are watching with real grief as their close friends and contacts are going down the rabbit hole of deception.
But some are speaking up, and becoming those apostate, dissenter, "voices crying in the wilderness" ... just like those of us within Christianity who stood against legalism, fundamentalism, and the hi-jacking of our faith for political agenda.
Wellness Influencers Are Calling Out QAnon Conspiracy Theorists for Spreading Lies
Yoga and spirituality influencers have been watching the mainstreaming of QAnon with horror, so they decided to take a stand
Yet as the past few years have demonstrated, QAnon is far from a harmless conspiracy theory. It has its roots in racism and anti-Semitism, and it has inspired instances of real-world violence, most recently when a Texas woman attacked people with her car under the mistaken belief they were part of a pedophile ring. The success of QAnon conspiracist congressional candidate Marjorie Taylor Greene last month also underscored the mainstreaming of conspiracy theories and other fringe beliefs.
By taking a stand against QAnon’s infiltration in the wellness community, wellness influencers hope to start a conversation unpacking the dangers of QAnon and start the arduous process of combatting misinformation. Yet if the response to the posts are any indication, it may be an uphill battle. While Algeo says he received primarily positive feedback, Corn says she saw many defensive comments from QAnon believers arguing that she misunderstands the tenets of the ideology, or from people upset that she is posting politically oriented content. Yet she has few regrets. “I just didn’t want to ignore it anymore and neither did anybody else,” she says.
Hmm, Someone else has tracked the same convergence:
"Fictional conspiracy theories such as Qanon, and conspiracy theories about the imaginary "deep state" are cooked up by the far right and weaponized to distract attention from really-existing geopolitical strategic game playing and really-existing empire building on the part of the far right: that is part of the purpose these conspiracy theories are designed for.
Spiritual people are particularly susceptible to this because they are perceived as high on empathy and low on boundaries and therefore seen as easy to turn or manipulate.
An effective way to defeat one's opponent is to get them to chase after imaginary enemies in order to weaken them, confuse them, control them and cover up one's really existing nefarious behaviour.
It's an old strategy: Machiavelli and Sun Tzu describe it and intelligence agencies round the world are trained in such techniques.
In this sense, it's useful to think on a meta-level about conspiracy theories: not "what deeper truths does this conspiracy reveal?" but "In what political context is this conspiracy being manufactured?" Or: "who is leveraging this invented conspiracy theory to get a strategic-political or economic advantage?"
It is useful to be aware that one of the plays of the far right is to erroneously label Socialists, spontaneous grassroot decentralised anti-racist movements and even moderate Conservatives or Liberals as Marxist. Accordingly to the Trumpian and far right ideology, there is a direct line between Marx, postmodernism and anti-racism. In reality there isn't any such thing.
Far right supporters, often disguised as "spiritual teachers", also ridiculously associate "postmodernism" with North American-style New Deal Liberalism or classic Liberalism, or even with the 60's hippy movement, and erroneously associate postmodernism with Marxism. Postmodernism arose as a critique of Marxism rather than a continuation of it. There is even a book about how postmodernism isn't a continuation of Marxism, written by Jacques Derrida called "Spectres of Marx."
Those on the far right, who haven't read single book by a Marxist, a Liberal, an Anarchist, a postmodernist, a Mutualist, or even a moderate Conservative, try to lump all these erroneously together under the category of "Marxism." They then try to equate Marxism with Leninism and with the Soviet communist experiment in order to cast shade upon all leftists and centrists.
Leninism is completely different from Marxism and took Marx in radically different directions. Most anarchists, Mutualists and Liberals are on completely different ends of the political scale to Marx. That's not to to critique or put down Marxist insights but to critique the absurd tendency of the far right to associate any grassroot leftist or centrist or apolitical group standing for justice with this caricature of a "Marxist." Keynesian Socialism and thus democractic Socialism, the European welfare and public health systems and other such projects arose as a critique and reversal of Marx by Keynes not a continuation of his work
In forty years of being around far leftists, Socialists liberals, anarchists and moderate conservatives, I've never met a single modern liberal, leftist, far leftist or moderate conservative who espouses top-down Soviet style Communism. Almost all leftist groups one might encounter today support democratic Socialism, Liberalism, or some kind of bottom-up community based decentralised grassroots mutualism, anarchism, muncipalism, decentralised peer-to-peer networks, green regenerative economies, Georgism or similar.
When you hear someone pretending to be neutral and associating moderate liberals or spontaneous grassroots anti-racism groups, supporters of the welfare state or nation health service, mutualists, Greens, Keynesian socialists or moderate conservatives or any of those many other groups that have lifted millions out of poverty since the end of Monarchism and Feudalism with "Marxism" or "Stalinism" it is likely it is likely to be yet another disguised far right supporter, Neo-Nazi or neo-feudalist up to their obfuscation once again.
The overton window has shifted to the right over the last thirty years or so, so folks mistake centrists for leftists and the far right for the moderate right. Of course the far right's strategy has been to encourage and capitalise on that shift in the overton window.
People who are disenchanted with the political center, disenchanted with "identity politics" and disenchanted with capitalism or neoliberalism would in the past have gravitated to the moderate left, far left or center right, but these days the far right have extensive recruitment and disinformation campaigns to funnel those disenchanted with capitalism, centrism, identity politics or neoliberalism towards the far right
Part of the far right strategy is to misguide people into thinking the centrist neoliberal policies that trouble them are leftist policies.The far right then pretend to be rebels against capitalism, whilst in fact standing for an even more extreme and brutal form of capitalism.
Spreading disinformation and fictional conspiracy theories through mechanized AI algorithms to lure alternative culture luminaries and leftists to the far-right has been part of the international far right and fascist play book for a long time.
The far right strategy is to pose as a "rebel" against the system, and get leftists and hippies to attack each other and attack civil society in the West thinking they are fighting a noble fight against George Soros, "globalism" or the imaginary "deep state."
The purpose in these disinformation campaigns and conspiracy theories such as Qanon are to divide people against each other, divide the working class and undermine democratic systems in the US and Europe
The person gamed by the constructed conspiracy in this way is now ready to defend the online AI algorithms that manipulate them and attack democratic institutions or solidarity networks that protect them. The person gamed by the constructed conspiracy in this way is now ready to attack formerly trusted friends and family members who try to help, thinking they are fighting a noble fight against a diabolical force
One of the far right's current strategies is to actively rebrand themselves as "spiritual teachers", "new thought teachers" or "new paradigm influencers." Some of those right wing "new paradigm influencers" around today share some of the same beliefs as the fascists and Nazis from the 1920's and 30's but use a cover identity as new thought teachers, spiritual teachers, coaches and new paradigm influencers to forward their agenda and get ingress in leftist and alternative culture circles.
Watch out for "new story teachers" who warn against the imaginary "deep state", talk about "pizzagate", promote Qanon disinformation or invent conspiracies about George Soros: the purpose of this is to confuse people and get them to attack democratic institutions or attack human rights thinking they are attacking the imaginary "deep state" or fighting a Jewish conspiracy.
Other spiritual teachers or "new paradigm influencers" are not consciously aligned with the right but have unwittingly been hoodwinked by this ideology.
Watch out for so-called "spiritual teachers" or "new story teachers" who lump center right folks, center left folks, socialists, mutualists and greens together and absurdly and erroneously label them "postmodernists"or "Marxists": this is a play to discredit democratic systems in the West, discredit policies that uplift people from poverty and provide a cover for fundamentalist Christian empire building."
Sadly, even in our much-loved natural birth/breastfeeding/parenting circles, which have long been a part of safe and gentle alternatives to the maternity care options provided by the industrial obstetric monopoly (especially in USA, where extreme capitalism makes such monopoly so absolute), is not immune to disinformation ... and then, the same delusion and aggression we are seeing become entrenched in so many other communities.
‘Pastel QAnon’ Is Infiltrating the Natural Parenting Community
There’s long been a link between those who distrust hospital births and those who distrust vaccines — but Covid-19 and QAnon are making it worse
I was personally blocked by one of these "influencers" when I posted a mildly alternative view to her assertion that face masks are "slave muzzles" intended to block free speech rather than a reasonable public health measure during a pandemic. She claimed I was "gas-lighting" her when I offered a differing perspective. This 'flipping' seems to be common in extremism (of any kind) - those with most strident assertions feel the most aggrieved and victimized when anyone challenges those assertions.
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