Lately, in the American evangelical church (but not *only* the American church), when social justice, empathy, gender equality, compassion for immigrants, health care, fair wages and environmentalism are demonized as "Communism" and "of the devil", is it any wonder that screeds of horrified people, brought up to "preach good news to the poor" and "when you see the poor wanderer, give them shelter" and "untie the cords of the yoke of injustice" and share fairly and help others and don't be selfish and don't be mean - are fleeing what the church has become in droves?
They don't want right wing hate politics and conspiracy theories.
They want JESUS.
So they are leaving the church, because He's not there anymore.
I suggest that He's probably to be found in the very same places He was when He was here.
Some old shack because there wasn't room at the nicer places. A watering spot in the heat of the day. At the home of sinners and social rejects. On the streets and the beaches and the mountainsides. In the homes of friends and people generous and hospitable. An upper room.
A marketplace.
Religion was never meant to be a device to secure our own cultural preferences and perpetuate our own privilege.
In some Christian circles, I have been amazed to see SJW ("social justice warrior") become a pejorative - as if exercising justice and righteousness on the earth were not the very heartbeat of God.
I have seen Socialism reviled as evil and Capitalism lauded as godly - when almost every advanced nation on earth has elements of common-sense socialism, and when the flawed business model of unfettered capitalism is literally raping the earth. When unlimited social welfare is granted in massive bail outs to corrupt banks and corporations - but healthcare and education and affordable housing for the majority is rejected as dangerous and too left-wing.
I have seen sacred Scripture twisted to promote a misogynistic type of patriarchy that quenches the souls and voices of women, and bars men from experiencing the spiritual disciplines of humility, equal sharing and servant-hood that are so necessary for spiritual growth.
I have seen the precious name of Jesus - he who spoke with the Samaritan woman at the well and commissioned her as the first evangelist; who gave us the story of the Good Samaritan ... deployed to justify the most heartless racism and utter callous insensitivity towards First Nations people and their generational wounds caused by centuries of oppression and colonialism.
I have seen my faith, which has been both a foundation and a well-spring for my life, hi-jacked and weaponized by those with a political agenda seeking not sacrifice, not servanthood, not a cross ... but power.
I hear the raucous cries and claims for "VICTORY!!!" and I remember the broken heart and the broken body of a Saviour who secured victory by whispering, "Not my will, but Yours be done".
And I remember that God was not in the storm, or the fire, or the earthquake ...
but in the still small voice ....
and like Elijah, I want to hear the gentle whispers of God at this time ....
and like Amos, and Micah, I want to hear the cries of the hurting and the oppressed, and preach a Gospel that really is good news for the poor.
Far right white supremacist Christian patriarchy has been pushing for a THEOCRACY for decades now. They are all saying, "It's not a democracy! Its a republic!" They plan to kill democracy. They always have.
I was just reading in Jared Yates Sexton's "American Rule" how Francis Schaeffer posited that "democratic philosophy, and by extension, a truly free and democratic society, is extremely dangerous, and that political dominion by Christianity and the establishment of a THEOCRACY is the only option if civilization is to survive."
These guys have always been anti-democracy.
They want the Christian caliphate.
They are Putin-played, gullible and not social-media savvy, and have spent the lockdowns consuming Russian bot-curated disinformation and conspiracy theories deployed to exacerbate divisions, implode democracy and ignite a civil war, so that Russia's enemies, the dim and entitled Americans, groomed for addictive consumption, turn on each other and create their own ideology-stoked bloodbath - without America's enemies needing to invade, bomb or hack.
On numerous "Christian" and "prophetic" sites, it is concerning to see a common propaganda approach of demonizing their political opponents and luring their followers to regard their fellow Americans as "satanic" or "evil", if they have different perspectives and approaches on such things as how to take care of people, how to be fiscally responsible, how best to promote racial unity or on what is the best way to reduce abortion rates.
So instead of sticking to a debate of "our way is better than your way, and the data proves it", the conversation devolves into "your side is demonic and satanic and evil, our side is good and righteous, and God is on OUR side, not yours".
Then good hearted people, who only want to worship, naturally want to be in God's side, of course.
This is what right-wing fundamentalist extremists did in Islam.
Once they have demonized their political opponents, they polarize the country more and more until they feel fully entitled to exercise violence and bloodshed in the name of God.
That's where this is heading.
There's guns. Lots and lots and lots of guns, thanks to the corrupt NRA.
And the boys want to use their toys.
They want their Boogaloo, their race war, their Christian jihad.
It is deplorable that anyone could think that this is Christian or the will of God.
It is an utter perversion of Christianity.
After 21 years of being a pastor in the white, conservative Evangelical system of faith, here's some of the critical things I've learned that everyone needs to know, especially now, before it is too late.
1) The ultimate goal of this faith system is to conquer and colonize the world.
2) Colonizing the world is achieved through two means... conversion or the eradication of the unconverted.
3) Whites and white males are seen as superior to all others.
4) Love, compassion, benevolence, care, and concern are spiritual veils--distractions to their ultimate goal.
5) Jesus is the glossy lipstick used to conceal their evil as they lure the vulnerable, and brainwash the masses.
6) Democracy is an enemy not a friend.
7) White anger, white fear, white greed, and white supremacy are their favorite and most necessary allies.

9) The Bible is their horse, whip, prod, and slaughter house.
10) No sin, evil, duplicity, rationalization, or hypocrisy is below their willingness to utilize to achieve their goals.
11) Not everyone in this system is aware nor supports these evils, but few are completely innocent.
Grace is brave. Be brave.
T. D. Jakes on How White Evangelicals Lost Their Way
“The numbers have dropped, but the trauma has not.” One of America’s foremost pastors reflects on religion, race, and the pandemic.
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