Is it actually about catching evil paedophiles??
the pre-occupation by the far-right fundamentalists with the alleged
paedophilia of the "liberals" deflection away from the sexual crimes
within their own ranks?
Porn addiction is rife throughout the religious right
and so is involvement in sex trafficking -
- because they hammer the doctrine of male supremacy and female subordination.
We cannot ignore the connection between religion that entitles to power and control, and addiction to pornography.
We cannot ignore the connection between religion that entitles to power and control, and addiction to pornography.
“Research has found a disconnect between a client’s religious convictions and sexual practices with some individuals having strict adherence to some religious doctrines but at the same time spending 20 or more hours per week accessing Internet pornography.
A correlation has also been found between “right-wing authoritarian tendencies” and developing and maintaining a cybersex addiction in both Christian and non-Christian males (Levert, 2007, p. 159). Abell (2006) and his colleagues also found that Christians who self-report higher levels of religiosity
experienced more problems with Internet pornography.
Pastors and others with religious vocations seem particularly vulnerable to Internet pornography addiction. They quite possibly were raised in a right-wing authoritarian family which has been shown to increase the risk of Internet pornography addiction (Levert, 2007).
There is no way
this horrible evil - that we must definitely combat and eradicate, wherever it occurs - is the sole domain of the political 'left'; and that the
heroes of the piece are the right-wing Trumpist patriarchal fundamentalists!
Former Denton Bible Church Youth Pastor Accused of Child Sex-Trafficking
Trump’s Human Trafficking Record Is Fake News
Why Are Right-Wing Conspiracies so Obsessed With Pedophilia?
You know how sincere Muslims warned about fundamentalist extremism within Islam? Well, those of us who've exited Christian fundamentalism recognise these cons and scams, conspiracies and propaganda, and know all too well how these guys get off on the power to delude people and get them believing ever-increasing mind-bending theories and doctrines - all to push their white supremacist/misogynist/extreme capitalist/anti-environment/anti-feminist political agenda.
conservative religious fundamentalist patriarchy in America is
currently at work seducing and deluding the alternative left over common
ground regarding concerns over such things as vaccine choice, 5G, Big
Pharma etc. This is deliberate and orchestrated. Trust me, these guys
care about such issues about as much as the Dorr brothers
care about masks muzzling free speech and and the civil right to go get
your hair cut. They are GLOATING on their forums over how credulous and
gullible the masses are.
whipped-up concern over paedophilia rings is deliberate deflection away
from the actual rampant, systemic sexual abuse, porn addiction and
trafficking involvement within the fundamentalist hierarchy, fed by
their doctrines of male headship, supremacy and entitlement.
Common sense and the reports from Australia police tells us that paedophilia crosses every political, social and economic divide, but these guys would have you believe that the whole thing is the sole domain of their sworn enemies: the "liberal" left-wing democrats.
Common sense and the reports from Australia police tells us that paedophilia crosses every political, social and economic divide, but these guys would have you believe that the whole thing is the sole domain of their sworn enemies: the "liberal" left-wing democrats.
Here is a list of men, proponents of Christian patriarchy and the "male headship" or "complementarian" doctrine that is prevalent throughout conservative American Christianity, who have been charged with and convicted of actual sexual crimes against girls and children.
Please don't import American religious fundamentalism like McDonald's, Costco, corn syrup, Round-Up and Purell.
people who have brought us, over the decades Quiverful, Y2K, the
so-called (far from it) "Pro-Life" agenda, To Train Up A Child, the
Institute of Basic Life Principles, The Transformed Wife, Back-masking,
Make Women Great Again, Christian Domestic Discipline, Biblical Gender
Roles, Flat Earth, Pizza-gate, HIV denialism, Qanon and Out of Shadows are NOT the ones
to follow uncritically, believing they are God's ordained, as
trust-worthy arbiters of truth, "wokeness", liberty or morality.
I respect and share concerns about corporate corruption, influence over democracy, the Murdoch press, micro-chipping humans, forced mandatory consumption of monopoly product, pornification, manipulated market share, lack of consultation over deforestation, 5G, mining, sale of water etc ... but the freedom that you, my dear and sentient friends, reasonably and sensibly seek, does not this way lie.
The alt right conspiracy theorists are addicted to their opinions and get off on getting people to change their minds and leading them off track. It's a national sport over there, with its roots deep in patriarchy. The weave enough truth into their spin to get people off guard. They deal in delusion. They operate like cult leaders. It's a huge part of why there are so many deaths over there. Its unpatriotic to believe facts or science. You have to go for conspiracies and fake nyoos and alternative facts just to be considered patriotic, or even, "Christian". The delusion, due to the mind-warping, reality-shifting trope from thousands of narcissistic "Follow me! Do what I say! Think what I tell you to think!" false prophets, is deeply entrenched. It's literally getting thousands of them killed. Not that it matters, because then they just say that they "didn't really die of CV" and that the health authorities "admitted they were lying about the numbers" and that the people who got CV were "really getting arrested for paedophilia".
Right-wing patriarchal Trumpists and their anti-Left Qanon lies, delusions and conspiracies are NOT the people to turn to to combat the global Pornocracy, the huge slave trade of trafficked people (overwhelmingly girls, women and children) and to investigate and bust paedophile rings (actual ones). PLEASE listen to the people actually working in these fields and not rely on Russian-bot/Qanon-generated memes and attention-seeking YouTubers.
Be careful they don't persuade you that the only way to stop the depravity, save the trafficked children and save the unborn babies is to usher in Gilead-style patriarchy. (This is a reference to The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood).
So why do I claim that the religious right has a problem with sexual immorality?
I believe that the unbalanced doctrines of male supremacy (or "headship") and unilateral female submission or subordination ("chain of command" or "biblical gender roles"), that are widely taught in the conservative circles of American fundamentalism, promote unhealthy and dysfunctional dynamics and increase the likelihood of domestic violence and sexual abuse, exploitation and assault.
I believe that the unbalanced doctrines of male supremacy (or "headship") and unilateral female submission or subordination ("chain of command" or "biblical gender roles"), that are widely taught in the conservative circles of American fundamentalism, promote unhealthy and dysfunctional dynamics and increase the likelihood of domestic violence and sexual abuse, exploitation and assault.
See the following list of names. What do these all have in common?
- They are individuals or organizations that believe in the headship of men and the subordination
of women. They believe that leadership in the family and church is reserved for
- They have been charged with sexual offenses and/or have been
involved in enabling and covering up for perpetrators of sexual offenses.
Don't rely on my links. Google any of the following names for yourself. Look especially for fact-based, non-partisan local news articles and actual court documents.
Don't rely on my links. Google any of the following names for yourself. Look especially for fact-based, non-partisan local news articles and actual court documents.
Mark Aderholt, SBC/ IMB
Johnny Allen, Sunday School teacher, Youth Minister
Agape Bible Church
Joe David Barron, Prestonwood Baptist Church
Christopher Donald Beam, Pastor, Mississippi
Todd Bentley, Fresh Fire USA
Larry Michael Berkley, Pastor, Tennessee
Dustin Boles, Mosaic Church, Acts 29
Benjamin Baldiviez, Sunday School teacher
Benjamin Baldiviez, Sunday School teacher
John Earl Bonine, Pastor
Steve Bratton, Grace Family Baptist Church
William Frank Brown, Pastor, Texas
Timothy Chun-Chuck Mann, Minister, Alabama
Tom Chantry, Pastor, Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America (ARBCA)
Walter Chantry
Tom Chantry, Pastor, Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America (ARBCA)
Walter Chantry
Chris Conlee, Founding Pastor, Highpoint Church, Memphis TN
Neville Cooper, Gloriavale Christian Community
Michael Alan Crippen, Pastor, Missouri
John Crist, Christian comedian
John Crist, Christian comedian
Steve Dahl, Calvary Gospel Church
Walter Dildy, SBC/IMB
Garett Dykes, Minister, Alabama
Jordan and Joshua Earls, SBC
Stephen Lee Edmonds, First Baptist Church
Alexander Edwards, Southern Baptist Church
Chad Foster, youth pastor, Second Baptist Church, Houston
Jeff Forrest, Pioneer Drive Baptist Church
Pastor Ruben Garcia, SBC, Alabama
Joaquin Garcia, Apostle, La Luz Del Mundo, California
Brian “Doug” Goodrich - Providence Baptist Church
Dr. Bob Gray, Trinity Christian Academy
Gen. James Grazioplene, Bud Calvert ministry
Gen. James Grazioplene, Bud Calvert ministry
Robert Allan Hale, Pilgrim’s Wilderness
Tom Hicks, Founders Ministry
Tom Hicks, Founders Ministry
John Wayne Hinton, Somerset Church of Christ
Homestead Heritage
Terry Hornbuckle, Agape Christian Fellowship
Frank Houston, national president of the Assemblies of God
in Australia
David Hyles
David Hyles
Dirk P Jackson, Pastor
Jesus People USA
Daniel Stephen Johnson, Missionary, Oregon
Donn Ketcham, Association of Baptists for World Evangelism
Gene Kingsley, SBC/IMB
Andy Landrum, child and youth minister, The Village Church
Samuel Lee Lyte, Minister, Texas
James MacDonald, Harvest Bible Chapel
Fred Malone, FoundersMinistries
Fred Malone, FoundersMinistries
Leslie Mason, Olney Southern Baptist Church
William McElrath, SBC/IMB
Daniel J. Moore, Pastor, Indiana
Benjamin William Nelson, Pastor, TX
Michael Wayne O'Guin, Minister, Texas
Patrick Henry College
Travis Payne, Pastor, Arkansas
Paul Pressler, Southern Baptist Convention
Edward Earl Prince, Pastor, Mississipi
Tom Randall, Christ Community Chapel
Andy Savage, Pastor, Highpoint Church, Tennessee
Jack Schaap
Robert Shiflet, youth pastor, Denton, Arkansas
Jack Schaap
Robert Shiflet, youth pastor, Denton, Arkansas
Hezekiah Stallworth, Pastor, Texas
Eddie Struble, SBC
Stephen Sitler, Christ Church
Larry Gene Singleton, Pastor, Mississipi
R.C. Sproul Jr., Legonier Ministries
Tullian Tchividjian, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
Anthony Lynn Thibodeaux, Pastor, Texas
George Thomas Wade Jr, International Missions Board
Tedd Trip, author of Shepherding a Child's Heart
Tedd Trip, author of Shepherding a Child's Heart
Kenneth Eugene Ward, Pastor, Dallas TX
Jamin C. Wight, associate of Doug Wilson, Christ Church
Toby Willis, The Willis Clan
Preacher Boys is a documentary shedding light on decades of physical, mental, and sexual abuse within the Independent Fundamental Baptist movement.
This Lying Survivor - Frank E. Peretti and Evangelical Fears About False Abuse Allegations
We all read these books. They conditioned us to see men as the rightful authorities, infallible; victims as liars, or demon-possessed; and helpers as people being used by evil forces to trick you and bring down God-ordained patriarchy. This mind-set contributed to a culture of rampant sexual abuse in churches and resistance to believing victims.ORGANIZATIONS COMBATING GLOBAL PORNOCRACY, PEDOPHILIA AND TRAFFICKING:
Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation
National Center on Sexual Exploitation "We are nonpartisan and nonsectarian, because the fight to end sexual exploitation knows no political or religious boundaries. The inherent harms and oppression of sexual abuse and exploitation impact people regardless of their age, gender, nationality, race, sex, or creed."
GRACE - Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment
Two Wings - Empowering Women to Soar
"Every year, Polaris publishes data based on calls, text messages, webforms, emails and webchats with the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline. This data, while limited and self-selecting, offers important insights into patterns of sex and labor trafficking in North America."
![]() |
Map from Polaris indicating rape-slave trafficking hot-spots in the USA |
You will see scores of comments along the lines of, "Mainsteam media doesn't report on this! Why the media silence?!"
This is Russian-fed, Qanon-disemminated con. There is loads of reporting
on the global scourge of pornography, human trafficking and
What they mean is, the reporting is not always so favourable to their extremely right-leaning ideology.
So let me say again: porn, patriarchy & pedophilia - like the Coronavirus, WILL NOT OBEY IDEOLOGY. These crimes transcend political bias and occur across the political spectrum, among people from all walks of life.
Not a democrat:
Trump Campaign Adviser Pleads Guilty to Child Porn, Sex Trafficking
Probably not a democrat:
Ohio priest indicted on charges of child pornography and juvenile sex trafficking, US attorney says
Probably not a democrat, caught by HSI "Operation Predator" - not by Qanon so-called 'Storm':
Florida man indicted for sex trafficking children, online enticement
Might be a democrat, might be a republican? Doesn't look very "elite", but gee, who knows?
Salt Lake man groomed 6-year-old girls through yearlong gaming, charges say
Likely to be patriarchal and pornified, no evidence that they're left-wing, don't seem "elite", not caught by "Qanon" vigilantes:
OPP bust province-wide sex trafficking ring, 32 charges laid
Romania. Not likely to be the work of the 'Hollywood elite'? Please read the mentioned Trafficking In Persons (TIP) Report.
Romania Dismantles Third Human Trafficking Ring in Four Days
UN - With Number of Child Victims Rising Sharply, Bolder Action Key to Ending Human Trafficking
Children saved by Australian Federal Police, and International Justice Mission. Not Trump and his 'Storm':
Three Australian men arrested over alleged child abuse in the Philippines - as police rescue 13 children from a horror sex den
'Right-wing conspiracy theorist Mike Cernovich scored one of his biggest victories when he helped get James Gunn fired from Marvel’s “Guardians of the Galaxy“ franchise by highlighting old tweets in which Gunn joked about rape and pedophilia. But as many of Gunn’s defenders have noted, Cernovich has his own history of tweets about rape.
Many of the tweets predate Cernovich gaining online fame as a Trump super-fan and purveyor of the discredited Pizzagate theory of 2016, which falsely claimed that a Washington, D.C. pizzeria fronted a child-sex ring.'
Mike Cernovich, Who Got James Gunn Fired Over Rape Tweets, Has History of Rape Tweets
Consider this article from The Australian:
These crimes transcend ideology and occur across political and socio-economic spectrums.
“This type of offending has no borders,”
Mr Kershaw told The Australian. He said the depth of depravity would be
hard for most people to comprehend.
is very hard to explain to a society, to people who don’t see the
images … these involve images like you’ve never seen before,” he said.
This is incredibly important. Reports of such activity is in the MILLIONS in the U.S. The accusations of the right-wing fundamentalists there, whose own hierarchy is riddled with sexual abuse convictions, seems like deflection to me.
There is NOTHING in Australia's report to indicate that the perpetrators are mostly, or largely, left-wing liberal "democrats", which is what the Qanon, Out of Shadows, Pizzagate conspiracy theories put about by the evangelical fundamentalists would have you believe.
Also be aware that bringing to account AUSTRALIAN BANKS!!! who have enabled the pedophilia business the thrive through their corrupt and deceitful practices is vital.Westpac faces fines over 'serious and systemic' anti-money laundering breaches, AUSTRAC says
'A free pass to paedophiles': Australian politician slams Westpac
Pressure mounts on Australian bank after a regulator accused it of 23 million breaches of anti-money laundering rules.The financial crime watchdog AUSTRAC accused Westpac of allowing payments between known child exploiters among 23 million transactions that violated anti-money laundering protocols.
"The suggestion that a major bank could be so lax with its anti-money laundering systems that it potentially facilitated child abuse and exploitation is about as serious as it gets."
If you REALLY care about saving children, girls, women (and some men) from pedophiles and traffickers, (really slave-traders), then please do not fall for the "censorship through noise" devices of the fundamentalist Right in USA using this very important issue for political leverage.
Kooky conspiracy theories are detracting from the very real issue of child trafficking
The Polaris Project, a national organization that fights human trafficking, had to release a statement asking people to stop calling about Wayfair because it was overwhelming the National Human Trafficking Hotline.
Is Trump really God gift to America to stop the evils of pedophilia and sex trafficking? Well, I guess that depends on your skin colour.
Prosecution of Child-Sex Traffickers Plummeted Under Trump
This is commentary from Dalaina May, who works in the field: the Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force.Beneath that gloomy surface, however, an even darker picture emerges: federal prosecutions of those who trafficked children for sex dropped 26.7% over the last year.The Obama administration dramatically ramped up such prosecutions, climbing threefold from 85 cases in 2009, the year the 44th president took office, to more than 260 during his final year in the White House.While those prosecutions held steady in the first year under President Donald Trump, TRAC’s analysis of Justice Department data says they have taken a dramatic plunge every year since.
"I’ve had several people ask me about human trafficking in the last few weeks as the topic was trending and the Trump administration published reports about the initiatives taken by the administration. The questions were generally about if things are better in terms of anti-trafficking efforts under Trump as the administration insinuates.My answer is that while there ARE some good things happening that deserve to be recognized, the overall answer is no. Things are worse off in this sector. Trump's administration has been very negative for anti human trafficking in the USA. Funding actually got cut. And the immigration policies of the administration have increased trafficking across the southern border and created quite a bit of fear that keeps survivors from identifying themselves. From my perspective working with the Orange County Human Trafficking Task force the last couple of years, there are significantly more issues for non-citizen victims. Sadly, the improvements that have been made are mostly for American survivors because they are the ones that interest the American public. Undocumented people don’t get the same sympathy and so funding and efforts for justice for them are just not there.From my view at the international table, the international community would say it's overall negative. When the Trafficking in Persons report came out last month, a lot of people were irrate that the USA gave itself a top score (tier 1). Many in the international community feels like the USA deserves a downgrade because of how migrant children have suffered in particular. If any other country had these issues with migrants and refugees, they would likely have gotten get a tier 2 downgrade.This statistic came out this week, and I think it’s an important counter-narrative to what how the Trump administration positions itself. I am also linking a number of articles - particularly ones with expert voices from the human trafficking sector about what the reality is on the ground in anti-trafficking organizations in the USA. "
This article lists some of the successes of the Trump administration - as well as areas where things have gotten worse:
Efforts to combat human trafficking slow under Trump
How Trump Is ‘Destroying Protections’ for Victims of Human Trafficking
Epstein Victim Claims He Showed Her Off to Trump When She Was 14
To take down the global Pornocracy (I call it that because this billion-dollar global slave-trade is the economic bed-rock of so much of capitalist civilization, perhaps even more so than arms sales and the pharmaceutical & illegal drug trade), we need to not only delete porn and call financial institutions aiding and abetting pedophiles, and social media platforms condoning and enabling perpetrators to account: we need to eradicate the Dark Web. Just as the Australian task force said earlier (scroll up): "If I had my way, I would set the whole Dark Web on fire."
Hutton's trial took a dramatic turn on Thursday when after nearly a week of witness testimony he pleaded guilty to two charges before Judge Allan Roberts in the Auckland District Court.
He admitted that between January 13, 2015, and February 20, 2015, he had attempted to enter into a deal involving a person under 18 for sexual exploitation.
Hutton also accepted that in early 2015 he was in possession of 417 objectionable images.
This week, Crown witnesses had told the court the dark web is an encrypted area of the internet only reachable with special software and inside knowledge of where to go.
Unlike the "Clearnet" that people use every day, the dark web conceals the identity of its users with additional measures.
Within the dark web people can buy drugs, guns and explosives, but it was also popular with individuals wanting to trade in child exploitation material, one New Zealand police officer said.
"It's the worst of humanity that you see."
That officer, while working covertly in Australia, had messaged a username "Kiwipedo" who he said had later suggested they should "kidnap one and use a basement like Fritz".
This was understood to be a reference to Austrian paedophile Josef Fritzl who imprisoned his own daughter in a basement for 24 years and repeatedly raped her, the court heard.
The Crown alleged the username had even described Fritzl as a "hero".
That officer told the court he passed the username on to other covert investigators working in the DIA who private messaged Kiwipedo.
One investigator told the court in his conversation it was relayed Kiwipedo lived in New Zealand and was willing to pay in cash up to $15,000 or in bitcoin for a child under 7.
Another investigator talked to Kiwipedo about meeting up in an Auckland motel to abuse a child.
But a meeting never eventuated.
Investigators instead used a tracing tool to find the relevant computer in an Auckland workplace in mid-2015, where they executed a search warrant.
The New Zealand Herald and other media are prevented from revealing exactly how Hutton - the man behind the name Kiwipedo - was caught because of strict suppression orders.
Spreading misinformation about sex trafficking is AIDING traffickers. Please stop spreading theories and start spreading truth. This is not a new problem, many have been in this fight for a long time.
LEARN- from those who’ve been working in the field and/or have first hand experience. Learn from solid resources and studies (not from theories on YouTube)SUPPORT- those in the trenches of the fight against sexual exploitation and trafficking. Burnout is too common and those willing to support are too few. Want to show support? Send us a message and we can help connect you.GIVE- time, resources, skills and money to established organizations who have knowledge, experience and capacity to make a lasting difference.SHARE- correct information, organizations you know and love that are doing excellent work.PRAY- hard, often, always for those who have, are, and will experience sexual trauma, for those who serve them, and those who make decisions on legislation. Pray for wisdom for those supporting survivors.ACT- volunteer your time, push for better legislation, boycott companies benefiting from exploitation, stop creating a demand for trafficking through pornography, SUPPORT aftercare/residential facilities, invest time and money in preventative measures, have ongoing healthy age-appropriate conversations with your children, create a safe space for your kids to disclose to you or to facilitate conversations
Paedophiles will be jailed for LIFE under new laws set to pass parliament today
- A tough new law to combat child sex abuse is likely to pass in federal parliament
- It would allow judges to give whole life sentences to the very worst abusers
- The attorney general hopes mandatory sentencing will protect vulnerable kids
- Currently a third of convicted abusers never serve a single day behind bars
- The Australian Federal Police received almost 18,000 reports of child exploitation involving Australian children or Australian child sex offenders in 2018, which was almost double the number from the previous year.
Everyone with a conscience wants the scourge of internet-powered pedophilia and human trafficking stopped.
But conspiracy theories with a far-right political agenda do NOT help catch the bad guys or save the victims.
Spreading delusion and disinformation, for political grist, undermines the work police and NGOs are doing to rescue women, girls, children, slaves and bring to account perpetrators - including global banks.
Judge says Karen Brewer’s Facebook posts accusing Nationals MP Anne Webster of being in paedophile network were ‘vile’ and ‘wholly indefensible’ "
2 Trillion dollars worth of dirty money flowing through predominantly
American banks - but some Australian banks too - by "shady characters",
as reported by the ABC. That's a heck load of dosh. For what nefarious
industries, do we think? THIS IS MASSIVE PEEPS. This is
literally enough money to save the world. And it's being used for
drugs, porn, arms and rape slave trafficking. So some of the most
selfish vile people on earth can get even more obscenely wealthy. This
is why I am against unfettered, extreme, unregulated capitalism with
zero ethics, morals or accountability.
Documentary about the work of the Argos Task Force and the Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation:
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