Friday, October 30, 2020

How structural inequality contribute to abortion rates

Welcome to PRO-LIFE ... properly

We are people of conscience who care about women, babies, families, faith, morality and society.

We have concerns that political moves the purport to be "pro-life" may have unintended consequences that back-fire and increase abortion rates.

In this blog, we examine strategies proven to actually reduce abortion rates and discuss how we might replicate those optimal outcomes, or even improve on them, in our own communities.

How structural inequality contributes to abortion

If we set up a social and economic system that:

- directly and indirectly penalises women for becoming mothers

resulting in:

- thousands of hours of unacknowledged and unpaid caring work

- less superannuation

- even worse penalties if they're abandoned and become "solo" mothers

- a wage gap

- loss of opportunity and promotion; perhaps even job loss

- poor provision of maternity and paternity leave

- impossible child care arrangements and costs

all resulting in mothers being far more vulnerable to financial inequality, poverty and homelessness - and then, at the same time, assert that "abortion is wrong" ... do you see the contradiction?

Louder, again, so everyone can hear: if you truly wish to care for our un-borns better, start with caring for MOTHERS better - including bodily autonomy and sexual self-determination for potential mothers.

"Abortions are a barometer of how safe women feel about bringing new life into the world."
- Crystal Lutton

So how DO we reduce abortion rates?

* Abortion laws don't reduce abortions

* Married women are most likely to get abortions

* Financial and economic injustice, exploitation, oppression and inequality is a major contributor to abortions across the world.

The Surprising New Findings that Could Shape the Pro-Life Movement: New data calls for a new response.

At some point, the Christian church, particularly in parts of USA, is going to have to face up to the fact that patriarchy and systemic gender inequality do not bring down abortion rates - no matter how much you escalate control and coercion over child-bearing women.

Some vital statistics

Abortion rates per 1000 women aged 15-44

Entire World, on average - married women: 35

Entire World, on average - unmarried women: 26

Caribbean :59

South America: 48

Russia: 37.4

USA: 14.6 or this source says 19.6 

UK: 14.2

Australia: 13.5

Germany: 6.1

Switzerland: 5

The Netherlands: 5

Percentage of fertilized eggs that do not proceed beyond implantation (naturally): 70%

"Abortion rates are similar in countries where abortion is highly restricted and where it is broadly legal. The abortion rate is 37 per 1,000 women in countries that prohibit abortion altogether or allow it only to save a woman’s life, and 34 per 1,000 in countries that allow abortion without restriction as to reason ..."

- The Guttmacher Institute


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