Saturday, December 2, 2023

A Voice in the Desert/Jesus Christians/End Times Survivors ... is an actual cult

 Image result for voice in the desert cult

I personally know THREE people - all Australians - who were caught up in this "religious group".

Let's be blunt: it's a cult.

Two are out, thank God ... one is still in, sadly.

If you look up A Voice in the Desert on Google or YouTube, you will find a host of comments that reveal just how easily average, everyday Christians can be attracted by the message, and think, "Oh! This is REAL Christianity!"

Well. If you're one of the people who listens to the videos, thinking, actually this isn't bad at all - this sound like genuine Christianity to me ... then consider this.

429 people in Kenya are now DEAD because of this cult.

Then I want you to go back, watch the videos again, read the comments again, and ask yourself: 

Why didn't I pick up on the red flags?

Why didn't I notice the characteristics of cults and high-demand groups?

Why didn't I identify the hooks and feel their strong pull?

If you can answer those questions, it will help you resist false doctrines, disinformation, charlatans, grifters and radicalizing ideology in general ... not just cults.

So where did "Jesus Christians" come from ... and what are they doing in our fair city of Melbourne??

First, they're not Christians. They follow a leader who used to be part of the infamous Children of God cult and was an associate of David Berg. Although David McKay isn't into David Berg’s weird sex teachings, and parted ways with Berg, he retained many aspects of narcissistic coercive control common to both groups, and to many other cults. One common cult characteristic is the use of comic book style graphics, as a form of propaganda, which you can see in the Jesus Christians videos they post under the name, “A Ship In The Desert”.

McKay is responsible for decades of preying upon impressionable, vulnerable young people, isolating them from their family & friends, alienating their parents and then vitriolically attacking any who confront him, oppose him, or try to get their loved ones back. 

McKay sent a couple of his group members (Simon Smith, and E) to Kenya - where his teachings were used to further radicalize an already extremist preacher called Paul McKenzie. Simon (who goes by the cult name "Jude") was welcomed as a "man of God". Jude encouraged the church members to watch the videos and accept the teachings of David McKay

This resulted in the deaths of over 400 people.


The parliamentary Congress of Kenya has now banned David and Cherry McKay from entering Kenya. 

Unmasked: The foreign hand in Shakahola cult

My association with the three young Australian I know who ended up in this cult is close.

Daniel & Mel were once volunteer co-workers who worked beside us at the mission organization we founded in China. (Yeah. We were evangelical missionaries.) Not only did Daniel & Mel work with us, but so did Daniels' younger brother Tim - who married our next door neighbour, who we had cared for after the tragic death of her mother. So, we were tight. We became good friend with their parents through all this. We have the perspective of Daniel's parents on how they felt when Daniel & Mel got sucked into McKay's group.

A good decade after this, E joined the local church where I was now serving as an "elder" and worship leader. I became a kind of mentor for E, After church, she would often come over to my house for lunch and we would practice worship songs and talk about theological things. In Christianity, this is often called "discipling".

But then, I became aware that E was trawling the internet, hopping from sermon to sermon and preacher to preacher looking for something 'real', that seemed to demonstrate true authentic Christianity with no compromise and no 'ear-tickling'.

I gently warned her to watch out for bombastic 'power' preachers who tended to be legalistic and have a vibe of "we have all the answers".

At first, I just thought E was your typical youthful seeker, but this was about the time I first started to feel concerned about just what she was finding on the internet ... especially YouTube.

I didn't know it yet, but something similar was going on with Daniel. He'd already parted ways with various evangelical groups that he thought were too cult-y; and others he thought were too tame or mediocre; and was looking for something REAL.

They are examples of how YouTube (& other social media) can radicalize people.

The NYT podcast “Rabbit Hole” explains in depth how this can happen.

I tried hard to warn E about the dogmatic, black/white thinking and legalism evident in those videos, but she was already in the mindset that less extreme versions of Christianity were "compromising with the world".

What's moderate & balanced seems luke-warm and mediocre to people seeking something "real".
There's a type of religious pride or self-righteousness that makes us susceptible to these kinds of "we have all the answers" groups.

Plus, it's partly developmental - we are all more black & white and fundamentalist in our thinking in our youth.

Also those of us who are neuro-diverse are more susceptible too, because we are drawn to certainty and order.

In 2023, I sat in court with E's mother, Renee, and listened to McKay attempt to represent himself in a case where Renee, as a mother of a young person drawn into the Jesus Christians, sued McKay for defamation after he accused her of being a “Luciferian Satanist” in one of his videos, as part of his usual tactics of parental alienation, and demonization of "outsiders".

Daniel, who I mentioned earlier, testified against McKay at this trial.

I'm more than familiar with religious fundamentalism, but even I was amazed to see McKay had two huge tomes, like books you'd see on the set of Harry Potter, next to him on the solicitor's bench.

One was “Satanic Feminism”; the other was “Children of Lucifer”. 

I think he expected to hold forth & school the court at length, imagining the judge would hang on his every word as if he were preaching a sermon or conducting one of his "grievance sessions". 

He was given no such satisfaction.

McKay doesn't know me. He doesn't know that I am (or was) friends with:

• E, the young woman who got sucked into cult - who previously, I mentored, when she attended my church.

• that young woman's mother, Renee - who is my neighbour in the small town where I live.

• a former cult member, Daniel, who testified at the trial, who previously was a member of the overseas missions organisation I founded by myself and my husband.

• Daniel's wife, Mel

• Daniel's parents, who are also the parents of Daniel's younger brother Tim, who also worked with us as our co-worker during our years 'on the mission field'. 

• I have 70 pages of notes from that trial. I witnessed first-hand his manipulative, disingenuous and narcissistic tactics while he tried to bamboozle the judge, flip the narrative and attempt to put Renee on trial, and play the victim by claiming that he was merely being "persecuted for being a Christian group".

McKay presents as a kindly old man who is merely exercising his right to freedom of religion. 

400 people in Kenya are dead, in part because of McKay and his self-serving religious delusions. 

McKay is not harmlessly and innocently practicing his religion. He has innocent blood on his hands.

You can read the Judge Julie Clayton's ruling here:

The sentence, "I am satisfied that the defendant was motivated by malice" stands out.

In the case of my friend Daniel, who testified against McKay, he saw McKay's dodgy financial dealings, because he is very astute financially himself. He described the way that McKay also physically assaulted one of their children; then attempted to abduct two of their teenage children away, in secret, without their parents' knowledge or consent. As a result of Daniel's courage in showing up and giving his testimony, this is now a matter of court record.

Here is a letter I wrote to E, the young woman still in the cult:

Hi E, I really hope you will see this. I love you & care about you. What I am about to say will not be easy for you. But it comes from a heart of love. 

Let me start & finish with this thought: there is a beautiful life waiting for you, beyond all this. You CAN have that, and you do deserve it. 

I have sat with your Mum during the court case, during her conferences with her lawyers, and while she watched the Spotlight episode. 

From my heart, here are some important truths as I observe them: 

1. You are in a cult. 

2. McKay is a malignant narcissist 

3. Your mother deeply loves you, she and your brother miss you desperately 

4. Your mother is not a witch, devil worshipper, Satanist or "Luciferian". She has zero interest in any such thing. All she talks about is you, and her grief over losing you to the undue influence of this cult.
5. McKay has a decades-long history of tormenting other parents & causing families deep distress by alienating their teen & young adult children from them 

6. Daniel & Melissa worked closely with Doug & I in our outreach work in Hong Kong, as did Daniel's brother & his wife. The fact that McKay sought to influence two of their children to leave their family & go with the McKays, without the knowledge or consent of their parents, should have been a light bulb moment. 

7. Your Mum is not the only parent McKay has demonized as part of his parental alienation tactics. 

8. The accusations against your Mum (& other parents) are deflection away from the wrong-doing of McKay, which is a typical spiritual abuse/narcissistic DARVO tactic. 

9. This has had a terrible toll on your Mum - because she loves you so dearly. You can be very proud of her, that due to her courage & tenacity, she is the first of a long line of traumatised parents who has successfully brought McKay to face justice. 

10. One of your deepest resentments against your Mum is that she stayed too long in the thrall of an abusive, manipulative man. Dear E, can you see that you are stuck just as you were once so furious at your Mum for being stuck? Narcissists get in your head. Legalism creates black/white thinking. I am sad to see you speak so judgementally & dogmatically, with the light I remember gone from your eyes. But this is so, so common among members of rigid, high-demand groups & women in abusive/coercive relationships. 

11. It was not only your Mum who was cut off from you after you joined this cult. Did you ever even receive the email I sent you, pleading with you & trying to warn you. All your friends in your former church community were desperately worried about you & constantly asking after you, trying without success to contact you. You cut us all off, not just your Mum. This isolating of group members and alienating of their friends and family - and then the demonizing of anyone, like your Mum, who refuses to shut up, give up, go away and just accept the estrangement, is a typical cult dynamic. 

I know right now that it feels that the doctrine of the cult is the 'Only One Right Way'. Doug & I remember that mentality from our own fundamentalist days. I'm sure Mel & Daniel could say the same.
There was a time where WE would have looked askance at your Mum for reading you Harry Potter or taking you to "witchy-poo" stores or letting you celebrate Halloween. Now, we all deeply regret that we were ever so self-righteous, spiritually prideful, judgemental and legalistic. 

I want to encourage you that there is life & freedom after exiting high demand religion. You can still love God. You can still walk with Jesus. You can still hold onto your faith, your ethics, your values. And - you *can* get out  and there are are host of people who will gather round you, and love you, and NOT JUDGE YOU, when you do. 

I know you are hurt & offended at the feisty way your Mum has tackled dealing with a man and a system that she views as toxic and abusive, that has swallowed her precious, beloved daughter. I am sorry for that pain that your understandably feel. 

But please understand that there is no right way to oppose controlling groups that swallow up one's loved ones. Whatever one does or doesn't do - it's always, always "wrong" in the eyes of such groups.
As lovingly as I can, I want to tell you very plainly: McKay is a wicked man, with innocent blood on his hands. Your mother & brother are ordinary, flawed and precious people, who sincerely love you and miss you desperately. That is my honest opinion. 

If you leave, everything is going to feel boring & frustrating and empty and pointless. It feels like an addict getting off their substance. It doesn't feel good ... at first. But with the healing, comes freedom, and eventually  ... peace. 

If you have a look at Steven Hassan's Freedom of Mind website, you'll be able to find resources that teach about the continuum of influence and what undue influence and coercive control are.
I know you are extremely intelligent and a conscientious person of integrity & conviction. You have that in common with so many people who have been drawn into cults (as Daniel, Mel, Daniel's brother, me, Doug and many others could tell you.) 

But McKay has weaponized that against you. 

We remember what that is like. 

I see you, E. You are a wonderful young person. I know you can follow the example of Daniel & Mel and make your way out. 

You have a loving tribe of caring, understanding friends & family waiting for you when you do." 



1.  Cult Information and Family Support - an Australian information support network of families, friends, former members and concerned individuals working together towards a common goal, to provide support and develop awareness for those affected by high demand groups or cultic relationships.

2. Let's Talk About Sects with Sarah Steel is podcast show-casing conversations with people who have lived in all sorts on religious & non-religious groups, organizations & communities.

Listening to people's stories of why they stayed, and why they eventually left, it is extremely interesting to note the common threads.

These were GOOD people, and SMART people. There's a watchword, "nobody joins a cult. They join a good thing." They were sincere people who wanted to help make the world a better place. I have sympathy for that, and I can identify.

It is exactly these kinds of salt-of-the-earth true believers who are most susceptible to the manipulations of narcissistic abusers.

Sarah wrote a book called "Do As I Say - How cults control, why we join them, and what they teach us about bullying, abuse and coercion" - which I haven't read yet, but the episodes are riveting, in which she interviews people (mostly Australians) who have eventually exited compelling, all-consuming, high-demand groups with charismatic leaders, and systems of conformity & cohesion.

3. Freedom of Mind Resource Center by Steven Hassan - who exited the Moonies cult.

4. A Little Bit Cult-y - by former members of the NXIVM cult. "As whistleblowers documented in the critically-acclaimed HBO series “The Vow,” Sarah and Nippy have a lot to say about their experience, and burning questions to ask people with similar stories."

5. Cults to Consciousness with Shelise Ann Sola, in which she interviews people from all kinds of high demand groups, both secular and religious., and helps them to share their stories.

6. I Was a Teenage Fundamentalist podcast - by former members of Hillsong Church. "Brian and Troy used to be loyal Christian megachurch leaders. They’re not anymore. This podcast explores life after fundamentalism."

7. Feet of Clay - Confessions of the Cult Sisters podcast - former members of Last Days Ministries with Keith Green. "What's it like to live in a Christian cult compound? How the hell do smart people get brainwashed into crazy beliefs and behaviours?"

8. The Rise & Fall of Mars Hill podcast - exploring sexist preacher Mark Driscoll and the power dynamics he used to keep people hooked in; and his eventual and inevitable demise.

9. Hillsong - a megachurch shattered podcast

10. Uncultured by Daniela Mestyanek Young - a former member of The Family cult

11. Shiny Happy People - Duggar Family Secrets. Abut the intense misogyny of Christian patriarchy as tuaght by Bill Gothard and the IBLP (Institute of Basic Life Principles) and how it led to the arrest of Josh Duggar, the eldest son of the TV reality family "19 Kids & Counting", for SA & CSAM.

The story of my personal run-in with Gothardism. A good little evangelical girl, except that I hated the sexism.

Part 2 of my "Shiny Happy People" (not) story - in which I am shunned for speaking up about Christian patriarchy. Read to the end though - Roxanne GOT OUT!

Insubordinate Women - What I witnessed "on the mission field". So many oppressed wives, pompous over-bearing husbands and bewildered, brain-washed children.

Roxanne's experience of Growing Up Gothard - Roxanne & I butted heads back when I was rebelling against Christian patriarchy, but she was still "in" and trying to be an example of 'godly womanhood'. Here, Roxanne describes her background in fundamentalism and intense religious legalism, and the long shadow it casts.

12. Born in Zion - faith, or death cult? As well as Gothard's IBLP and the Quiverful "Biblical Womanhood" movement more generally, as a young midwife, Roxanne was also immersed in Carol Balizet's "Born in Zion" - extreme teachings which resulted in the deaths of several babies and mothers. Listen to Roxanne's story of what set her up to be drawn to cults, how the light got in, how she got out and how she regained her life, health and personal sovereignty.

More coverage of & random bits of info concerning the Jesus Christians cult:

The group was founded in Australia in 1981 by Dave and wife Cherry McKay, and have a three-decade-long history of controversy documented extensively by the media. 

Their core beliefs are supposedly based on the teachings of Jesus with special emphasis on his decree from the Sermon on the Mount, that his followers "cannot serve both God and money".

While they are often involved in volunteering and political activism their principal activity is evangelism, which they accomplish through the distribution of self-produced comics, books, pamphlets, and DVDs, and via videos published on YouTube and other social media. The majority of their publications are written by their co-founder, Dave McKay. The videos on their YouTube channel, A Voice in the Desert, were originally narrated by Dave McKay, but have since been narrated by other members of the community. 


March 26, 2024 - Kenyan authorities on began releasing the bodies of victims of a doomsday starvation cult to distraught relatives, almost a year since the discovery of mass graves in a grisly case that shocked the 🌐world.

Inside the Kenyan cult that starved itself to death. 

During covid-19 a preacher lured thousands of people into a remote forest. Then he told them to stop eating.

28 November 2023: Kenyan parliamentary committee report finds Paul Mackenzie, held responsible for more than 400 deaths, was ‘influenced’ by Australians Dave and his (wife) Cherry McKay, which they vehemently denied. 

A Christian doomsday cult responsible for the deaths of more than 400 people from starvation and beatings in Kenya was influenced by an Australian religious group, a parliamentary committee report in the east African nation has found. 

The report into the Shakahola massacre, tabled in the Kenyan Senate on 19 October, found that the accused leader of the group, Paul Nthenge Mackenzie, “was influenced by Dave McKay and Sherry McKay from Australia who are founders of a cult movement known as "Jesus Christians" or the "Voice in the Desert”.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Flirting with Fascism: the evangelical church and authoritarianism

No photo description available.

The obsession evangelicals have with power, authority and domination is a Capitalism thing, not a Kingdom of God thing.

American Christianity has been corrupted, and it's leading believers towards extremism, violence & blood-lust.

You can advertise it as "victory" or "taking the country back for Jesus", but it's still authoritarianism and it's still a fake, false Gospel.

We have syncretized Christianity with Capitalism.

 May be a graphic of text that says "The individualistic understanding of Jesus as "my personal savior" is a catastrophic consequence of capitalism -Dorothee Sölle"

We have changed the Gospel to make it fit cultural norms that are informed by Capitalist norms that have become usual in Western society. 

A key principle of Capitalism is "winning".

Success is measured by profit, fame & power.

This has made so many of us - yes, even the most devout, the Jesus worshippers - develop a mindset of the dominator model, or the power-over model, or the win/lose, zero-sum mentality.

Like fish that can't see water, it's just become part of our collective psyche.

It has affected the church, because we all live in a culture of normalized Capitalism.

This has led to errors of thinking, such as:

- authority and power hierarchies

- bigger is better

- power & wealth are signs of God's favour & blessing

- you measure the growth of the Kingdom by numbers

We've all done it, because we all live in it, saturated by it all the time. So when the church starts imitating the practices of advertising, marketing & corporate capitalism, it's not that much of a shock.

There's been voices of dissent and warning along the way, but often those prophetic voices are quenched & shunned, because we're caught up in a heady experience that LOOKS like "success" and FEELS like "blessing".

There's been many good things in evangelicalism Christianity over the past 50 years.

But there have also been errors, mission creep, where we have gotten off track.

It's led to some serious problems, such as:

- prosperity doctrine, financial corruption & grift

- purity culture & hyper morality (legalism)

- patriarchy & gender hierarchy, which has resulted in oppression for women

- rampant sexual abuse perpetrated by church leaders

- magical thinking & a susceptibility to disinformation & conspiracy theories (Y2K, Qanon, Covid disinformation, election denialism climate change denial etc )

- militarism, aggression & gun idolatry

- authoritarianism, anti-democracy sentiment 

- personality cults like Trump, MAGA & big name preachers, "influencers" & mega churches

- Christian Nationalism 

This amounts to a false Gospel. 

We have promoted an individualistic faith where we teach people to repent of personal sins & wrong-doing, and accept Christ as their "personal saviour".

But whenever there is a call to collective repentance & systemic change, "to drive a spoke into the wheel of injustice" as Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, all too often, the knee-jerk response is, "That's woke!" or "Are you a Communist?" or "Socialism is bad!".

 May be a graphic of text

People are leaving the church not because they are rejecting Jesus, but because they're going to seek Him.

I will warn the Christian church now:

If you weaponize the 'Frankenstein' of authoritarianism to attain political power now, in a misguided attempt to harness that power to 'build the Kingdom' or 'save our country' - as a substitute and a counterfeit for the saving grace of the Holy Spirit and the power of the Gospel ... the day will come when that power, no matter how heady, will back-fire, and turn back on you.

This is what Hinduist, Islamist, Buddhist & Communist extremists found out the hard way.

Do not imagine that Christianity will be exempt from this painful lesson.

No. We are not entitled to cultural and political supremacy, because we think we are right.

We know that repentance sows the seeds of revival. 

But all too often, we the church, the body of Christ, don't want to repent of collective sins or systemic error. 

Is it too late?

Can the church repair?

No, it's never too late because God is faithful, even if/when we've got it wrong. And he always has a remnant. 

But I hope & pray we can, as a church, repent of the political hi-jacking & corruption of the evangelical church that we've allowed, and the false Gospel we've been in thrall to. We have hurt a lot of people - we've got to admit that.

But the mercy and grace of God is huge - if only we can change our minds, admit we got off track, repent, make amends, and return to the Lord.

The new wine-skins await.

 May be an image of 1 person and text that says "Julie Bell @Julie_Bell_ Replying to @Julie_Bell_ and @JacobTBrunton There are evangelical Christians warping the faith to justify their own ideology. First they said socia justice was wrong. Then, empathy. Then, altruism. Then, inclusiveness. This isn't Christianity. It's stepping stones to Fascism. 9:22 am 13 Jan 23"



Thursday, October 26, 2023

Censure Marjorie Taylor Greene

Marjorie Taylor-Greene is a wanton hate-mongerer.

She recently attempted to  censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib, (D-Mich.), over her criticism of Israel and accusing her of recently inciting an insurrection in a House office building.

 Censure resolution says Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene 'fanned the flames' of hate

MTG described a rally on Oct. 18 at the Capitol calling for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war as an "insurrection".

God forbid any reasonable person would call for a cease-fire during such escalating violence and tragedy.

She's doing this thing of calling any form of grievance-driven protest an "insurrection", even when people are merely protesting and not attempting to over-throw the government, rule of law and democracy, or stop the counting of the votes and the peaceful transfer of power - which *was* the intent of the J6 riot and invasion of the Capitol which rightly has been referred to as an attempted insurrection.

MTG's tactics are that of a vindictive "tit-for-tat" schoolyard bully.

Now finally, someone is standing up to her and calling her to account for her vile, inflammatory and deceptive behaviour.

First-term Rep. Becca Balint (D-Vt.) is leading a resolution to censure Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.)

“For me, censuring Rep. Taylor Greene is about the health of our democracy and faith in government. Her antisemitic, racist, transphobic rhetoric has no place in the House of Representatives,” Balint said in a statement.

Dem Rep. Becca Balint Reads Scathing List Of MTG’s Hateful Batshittery In House Resolution To Censure Her


     Whereas Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has repeatedly fanned the flames of racism, antisemitism, LGBTQ hate speech, Islamophobia, anti-Asian hate, xenophobia, and other forms of hatred;

    Whereas Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has repeatedly debased the memories of thousands of victims of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, by perpetuating conspiracy theories to shift blame and responsibility for the mass murder;

    Whereas Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has repeatedly assaulted the foundation of our democracy by perpetuating conspiracy theories related to the January 6 attack on the Capitol which sought to halt the peaceful transfer of power;

    Whereas Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has repeatedly called for violence against elected representatives and their families;

    Whereas Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has repeatedly espoused antisemitic rhetoric and conspiracy theories, including through inflammatory evocations of the Holocaust;

    Whereas, on May 20, 2021, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene said that the mask mandate in the House of Representatives was akin to Jews being ‘‘put in trains and taken to gas chambers in Nazi Germany’’;

    Whereas, on May 25, 2021, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene tweeted that, ‘‘Vaccinated employees get a vaccination logo just like the Nazi’s forced Jewish people to wear a gold star’’;

    Whereas, on February 26, 2022, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene appeared at a white nationalist event that was condemned by the Republican Jewish Coalition as ‘‘appalling and outrageous that a Member of Congress would share a platform with an individual who has actively spread antisemitic bile, mocked the Holocaust and promoted dangerous anti-Israel conspiracy theories’’;

    Whereas, on February 26, 2022, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene appeared at a white nationalist event that was condemned by the Republican Jewish Coalition as ‘‘appalling and outrageous that a Member of Congress would share a platform with an individual who has actively spread antisemitic bile, mocked the Holocaust and promoted dangerous anti-Israel conspiracy theories’’;

    Whereas, on September 1, 2022, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene posted a tweet comparing President Joe Biden to Adolf Hitler that said ‘‘Joe Biden is Hitler. #NaziJoe has to go’’;

    Whereas, on September 1, 2022, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene posted another tweet of a doctored video showing President Biden speaking with audio of Hitler, swastikas in the background and a mustache akin to that of Hitler;

    Whereas, on July 21, 2021, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene said that if she was ‘‘in charge’’ she would ‘‘kick out every single Chinese in this country that is loyal to the CCP. They would be gone’’;

    Whereas, on December 19, 2021, while at a Turning Point USA conference, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene referred to Asian Americans as ‘‘yellow people’’, a slur that has been historically used to malign the Asian Amer ican community in the United States;

    Whereas Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has a history of perpetuating LGBTQ hate speech, including through her use of offensive posters in the halls of congressional office buildings beginning on February 24, 2021;

    Whereas, on November 22, 2022, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene tweeted that an LGBTQ California State Senator was a ‘‘communist groomer’’, an offensive slur that has been used to stoke fear and incite hatred of LGBTQ Americans;

    Whereas, on March 7, 2023, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene again referred to members of the LGBTQ community as ‘‘groomers’’ and spouted anti-trans rhetoric on the Floor of the House of Representatives;

    Whereas, on June 1, 2023, the first day of Pride Month, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene tweeted a photo showing an anti-trans poster that she had displayed in the hall outside of her congressional office;

    Whereas, on February 22, 2019, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene posted a video on Facebook claiming that Muslim American Members of Congress were not ‘‘really official’’ because they didn’t take the oath of office on the Bible;

    Whereas, on June 17, 2020, Politico reported that Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene repeatedly engaged in Islamophobic rhetoric and suggested that Muslim Americans do not belong in the United States Government;

    Whereas, on May 10, 2021, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene referred to fellow Muslim American Members of Congress as the ‘‘Jihad Squad’’;

    Whereas, on November 30, 2021, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene yet again referred to fellow Muslim American Members of Congress as the ‘‘Jihad Squad’’;

    Whereas, on June 17, 2020, Politico reported that Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene referred to Black Americans as ‘‘slaves to the Democratic Party’’ and said that they should be proud to see Confederate monuments;

    Whereas, on June 17, 2020, Politico further reported that Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene stated in a video, ‘‘I know a ton of white people that are as lazy and sorry and probably worse than Black people’’;

    Whereas, on May 18, 2023, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene compared being called a white supremacist to a person of color being called the ‘‘N-word,’’ a vile racial slur;

    Whereas, on January 28, 2021, a video of Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene resurfaced in which she used a harmful and offensive slur targeting Americans with disabilities which the National Down Syndrome Society called ‘‘heartbreaking and unacceptable’’;

    Whereas, on November 1, 2018, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene denied the attacks on September 11 saying there was a ‘‘so-called plane that crashed into the Pentagon’’ and that ‘‘It’s odd there’s never any evidence shown for a plane in the Pentagon’’;

    Whereas, on November 17, 2018, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene peddled a vile antisemitic trope when she claimed that wildfires in California were caused by space lasers operated by members of the Jewish community;

    Whereas, on August 17, 2020, a video of Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene resurfaced in which she stated that the mass shooting at a country music festival in Las Vegas, Nevada, where 60 people were murdered, was perpetuated in order to pass anti-gun legislation;

    Whereas, on January 19, 2021, Media Matters published a screenshot of a Facebook comment from Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene where she emphatically agreed that the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, where 17 students and teachers were murdered, was a false flag event;

    Whereas, on January 21, 2021, Media Matters published ascreenshot of a Facebook comment liked by Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene that claimed 9/11 was ‘‘done by our own Gov,’’ to which she responded ‘‘That is all true’’;

    Whereas that same comment liked and agreed to by Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene further claimed that the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary where 26 people, including 20 precious children were murdered, was staged;

    Whereas, on September 3, 2020, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene posted an image of herself holding a gun next to images of three Members of Congress with a caption encouraging ‘‘going on offense’’ against them;

    Whereas, on January 26, 2021, CNN reported on posts, comments and likes made by Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene from 2018 and 2019 in which Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene liked several posts and comments on Facebook demonstrating her support for the execution of several Members of the Democratic Party including Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and President Barack Obama;

    Whereas, on January 26, 2021, CNN further reported that Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene liked a Facebook comment in January 2019 that stated, ‘‘a bullet to the head would be quicker’’ in reference to the removal of Speaker Nancy Pelosi;

Whereas, on January 26, 2021, CNN also reported that deleted videos showed Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene calling for the execution of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and stating that she was ‘‘a traitor to our country, she’s guilty of treason’’ and should ‘‘suffer death or she’ll be in prison’’;

    Whereas Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has perpetuated the ‘‘big lie’’ related to the 2020 Presidential election by espousing conspiracy theories and by threatening and inciting violence;

    Whereas, on October 26, 2021, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene downplayed the actions of those who participated in the January 6 attack on the Capitol and said ‘‘if you think about what our Declaration of Independence says, it says to overthrow tyrants’’;

    Whereas, on November 4, 2021, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene went to visit those incarcerated related to the January 6 attack on the Capitol in what she referred to as ‘‘the patriot wing’’ of the D.C. Jail;

    Whereas, on November 10, 2021, Representative MarjorieTaylor Greene referred to those who participated in the January 6 attack on the Capitol as ‘‘political prisoner of war’’;

    Whereas, on December 10, 2022, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene said that if she had organized the January 6 attack on the Capitol, ‘‘we would have won. Not to mention, it would’ve been armed’’;

    Whereas, on July 19, 2023, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene displayed graphic pornographic images during an official committee hearing that she claimed depicted a member of President Biden’s family;

    Whereas, on July 19, 2023, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene sent an official press release and posted to her official congressional website public hearing commentary featuring graphic pornographic images she claimed depicted a member of President Biden’s family; and

    Whereas Members of Congress have promised to always have the back of Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene no matter the extent of her vile and hateful behavior:

    Now, therefore, be it Resolved, that Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene be censured; Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene forthwith present herself in the well of the House of Representatives for the pronouncement of censure; and Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene be censured with the public reading of this resolution by the Speaker.


Saturday, August 5, 2023


Excess Death Rates for Republican and Democratic Registered Voters in Florida and Ohio During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Was political party affiliation a risk factor associated with excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic in Florida and Ohio?

In this cohort study evaluating 538 159 deaths in individuals aged 25 years and older in Florida and Ohio between March 2020 and December 2021, excess mortality was significantly higher for Republican voters than Democratic voters after COVID-19 vaccines were available to all adults ...


Trump did indeed have a right to challenge the election—which he did, and lost. He also had a first-amendment right to lie about the election. 
What he did not have was a right to use “unlawful means of discounting legitimate votes and subverting the election results.”  
More than 15 pages of the 45-page indictment establish that Trump knew the allegations he was making about election fraud were lies. 

In one memorable December exchange, a senior campaign advisor wrote in an email, “When our research and campaign legal team can’t back up any of the claims made by our Elite Strike Force Legal Team, you can see why we’re 0–32 on our cases. I’ll obviously hustle to help on all fronts, but it’s tough to own any of this when it’s all just conspiracy sh*t beamed down from the mothership.”
"All the evidence comes from Republicans.
Algorithms as a Weapon Against Women: How YouTube Lures Boys and Young Men into the ‘Manosphere’
This research documents how YouTube’s algorithms contribute to promoting misogynistic, anti-feminist and other extremist content to Australian boys and young men. Using experimental accounts, this research tracks the content that YouTube, and their new ‘YouTube Shorts’ feature, routinely recommends to boys and young men.


This film helps us understand how half a country - including most of the Christians, sadly - were deceived, bamboozled and radicalized to the far right.

A Storm Foretold Documentary 2023 by Christoffer Guldbrandsen

"A Storm Foretold is a chilling, fly-on-the-wall documentary about Roger Stone, the real mastermind of the events which led up to the January 6 insurrection. He planned the 'election steal' storyline way before there even was an election. Donald Trump's 'fixer', and one of the first to turn on Trump when he lost. A searing indictment of the MAGA movement, and a portrait of breathtaking hypocricy on too many levels to list."


Most Americans will concede that Nixon was corrupt.
Roger Stone honed his wickedness in that administration.
He has a tattoo of Nixon on his back.
After a lifetime of sexual depravity, political manipulation, bullying and corruption, he now claims to be a "Christian", so I guess that makes everything alright then (sc).

Watergate Created Roger Stone. Trump Completed Him.

Stone may not have been in Nixon’s inner circle, but he saw enough to shape his view of politics for life.


Shuhada Sinead O'Connor
Was a prophet before her time
The world was not ready for her
As a very young woman
With powers of perception forged by generational abuse
Holding epigenetic trauma in her marrow
She said theocracy was bondage long before we all realized
She said the church was systemically raping, incarcerating and torturing children long before we were willing
To have the scales scraped from our bleeding eyes
She said misogyny was a black ball & chain, weighing a nation down, long before #metoo
A devoted & ecstatic mother in her early youth, she perceived that abortion bans would only escalate misogyny and result in rising rates of DV, rape culture, miscarriage ... and abortion
She said racism, prejudice and discrimination, anywhere, were the roots of fear and hate and conflict and war
She said rapacious greed and Mammon idolatry, all wrapped up in the pretty bow of capitalism, would drag humanity to destruction
She said
She said
She said
And no one listened
They were affronted
They were offended
O Jerusalem, city who stones the prophets
You stoned her
You killed her
Yet still
She lives
You buried her
But she is a seed
As am I.


"Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned, everywhere is war.
And until there are no longer first-class and second-class citizens of any nation, until the colour of a man's skin is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes.
And until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race, there is war.
And until that day, the dream of lasting peace, world citizenship, rule of international morality, will remain but a fleeting illusion to be pursued, but never attained... now everywhere is war.”
- Popularized by Bob Marley in the song War
- Performed by Sinead O'Connor in tribute to Bob Marley
- Original speech by Haile Selassie


One of my favourite Sinead O'Connor songs: This is a Rebel Song
She introduces it saying, "This is a LOVE song".
It's about the English invasion of Ireland.
It's really about invasion, colonialism, empire everywhere.
Between nations, religions ... and individuals.
It is allegory, poetry, or prophecy?
It's the howl from the soul of a fractured world.
It's the wail of every unloved, bewildered wife everywhere.
"Meanwhile, crazies are killing our sons" - she nails the futulity of ego-driven conflict ... the domination game.
The voices of the four young girls on BVs undo me every time.



"Here’s the common thread. Pornography, sex trafficking, and what we know today as patriarchy all share the same core belief—the belief that one person is entitled to exercise power over another person through control and domination. That another human is less human than oneself. That another person is consumable. That one person is entitled to be served while the other owes him service.
How about in the church? Research indicates that 68% of church-going men and over 50% of pastors consume porn regularly. Is that because they view women as equals?
Not only do porn and patriarchy share the same core belief, they also share the same dehumanizing message—you were made to serve me. You are valued to the extent that you fulfill my wishes.
Let’s just say it like it is. When we say “68% of church-going men struggle with porn” what we are actually saying is 68% of church-going men struggle to see women as fully human.
You can’t say that church-going women today are viewed as equals by church-going men when they are repeatedly dehumanized and objectified by their Christian brothers on a regular basis.

- by Aleassa Jarvis


ASPI has identified a multi-language network of coordinated inauthentic accounts on US-based platforms including Twitter, YouTube, Facebook (archived), Reddit, Instagram (archived) and blog sites that we assess are likely involved in an ongoing Chinese Communist Party influence and disinformation campaign targeting Australian domestic and foreign policies, including by amplifying division over the Indigenous voice referendum, and sustained targeting of the Australian parliament, Australian companies (including the big-four banks) and our organisation, ASPI.


Russia’s Anti-Vaccine Propaganda is Tantamount to a Declaration of War

"Moreover, the source of much of the misinformation about vaccines comes from an unobvious source: the Russian government’s propaganda apparatus, which cultivates and exploits foreign anti-vaccine “useful idiots,” causing palpable harm to Americans and citizens of other Western countries.

This is part of a much broader and long-standing pattern of attacks by Russia."

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Culture wars and cancel culture ... it's an evangelical thing


Following Jesus is meant to involve looking at JESUS, watching what he does, enjoying his company, absorbing his teaching, following his example, and becoming more like him - as in, more conformed to Love.

But I've been doing this Christian thing for a fair few decades now.

And I've been around the traps when my faith community, the evangelical church, has made Christianity about what cultural icons you do & don't consume, watch or participate in. 

And I wonder, if, with our ever-expanding hit list of culture war "no-no"s, we've taken our eyes of the Jesus we claim to follow. 

I remember evangelicals condemning, banning or "cancelling":

- dancing (immodest)

- rock n roll (demonic; back-masking)

- yoga (demonic)

- yoga pants (immodest)

- meditation (demonic)

- hypnosis (demonic)

- Christmas trees (pagan)

- Cabbage Patch dolls (portal of entry to demons)

- The Beetles (because John Lennon said they were "more popular than Jesus")

- Jonathan Livingstone Seagull (demonic, dunno why)

- Dungeons & Dragons (demonic)

- The peace sign (it's a "broken" cross; witchcraft

- Dreamcatchers (demonic)

- Gillette razors (didn't like the ad calling on men not to be jerks; opposed Christian patriarchy)

- Coca-Cola (didn't like the company's diversity training)

- Tide laundry detergent (too supportive of gay rights)

- the band KISS (said it meant, "Knights in Satan's Service)

- Crystals (New Age, ergo, idolatry)

- Pokemon (it's Japanese for "pocket demon")

- therapy (secular; not trusting God)

- anti-depressants (Big Pharma idolatry; not trusting God)

- The Karate Kid (martial arts; demonic)

- Teletubbies (Tinky-Winky might be gay)

- Dr Seuss ("woke" - because company decided to pull a few non-sellers)

- Cheerios cereal (ad showed an inter-racial couple)

- Proctor & Gamble (witchcraft)

- JC Penny, a clothing store (because Ellen DeGeneres, who is gay, is a sponsor)

- Pastor Rob Bell (questioned theology of hell)

- Jen Hatmaker (supported same sex marriage)

- Beth Moore (spoke out against mass sexual abuse by pastors in the Southern Baptist Church)
- bar codes (mark of the Beast)

- credit cards (mark of the Beast)

- spaghetti trap tops (immodest)

- vaccines ("deep state"; not trusting God)

- Smurfs (satanic/Communist/Fascist)

- Calvin & Hobbs cartoon (the tiger was a "demon" encouraging the boy to go around parental authority) 

- Amy Grant (evaded abuse by getting divorced; sang at wedding of gay relative)

- Harry Potter (witchcraft)

- Tampons (might spoil hymen for husband on wedding night)

- Disney (not homophobic enough)

- Feminism (not patriarchal enough)

- CRT (not white supremacist enough)

- Black Lives Matter (not pro-police brutality enough)

- Target (non binary bathrooms; Gay Pride-themed apparel)

- M&Ms (because Tucker Carlson thought flat shoes instead of heels is too "woke")

- Mr Potato Head (went woke)

- Starbucks (cup design wasn't explicitly Christian-Christmas enough)

- saying "Happy holidays" (not Christian supremacist enough)

- NFL (because some players took a knee during the national anthem as a quiet protest against racism)

- World Health Organisation ("deep state")

- Cuties (didn't like a movie exposing the sexualization of children, because it also took aim at fundamentalist patriarchy)

- Wayfair furniture ("they're trafficking children in cabinets")

- Yeti coolers (they supported gun reform)

- Nike ("Satan shoes")

- Dixie Chicks (they presumed the right of free speech, spoke out against Iraq war)

- My Little Pony (because rainbow)

- The UN alejibre statue donated by Mexican artisans (it was the beast from Revelations, and therefore proof that the UN is the anti-Christ)

- Unholy (a song saying that adultery is unholy and bad, make it make sense)

- Taylor Swift (water imagery is proof she's a witch) and they don't like it that she supports Democrats.

- Lauren Daigle, because she "promoted" Billie Eilish, and that's bad because Billie is a "Lucifer" singer (she sang a song called, "All the Good Girls Go to Hell, about global warming, so that means Lauren has to be cancelled so the godly don't have their godliness infected).

  - Lil Nas X ("devil worship")

and, more recently:

- Threads (is really 666, mark of the beast)

- The Chosen, a show about literally, JESUS (because one of the crew had a small rainbow 🌈 flag somewhere on set)

- Budlight beer (too friendly to immigration and LBGTQI+)

- Barbie movie (it mentions gynaecologists, patriarchy and Fascism, but not in a good way)

- The 2024 Paris Olympics (raged-farmed Christians & conservatives believed disinformation that they opening ceremony "mocked" The Last Supper when in fact it was an allusion to the 17th Century painting by Jan Hermansz van Bijlert, that depicted the Greek God Dionysus and his "Feast of the Gods")

But I have just as many qualms about the things Christians have chosen to support & put their money behind ...

Why Satanic Panic never really ended

The collective fears that consumed the US in the 1980s and ’90s are still alive and well — all the way through QAnon and beyond.



Saturday, July 15, 2023

Why the Sound of Freedom movie is problematic & how we can do better


It's high-lighting the real & serious issue of sex trafficking.

What could possibly be wrong with that?

When the tackling of a fraught and complex issue is entangled with lies, disinformation, conspiracy theories and partisan politics, quite a lot, as it turns out.

This post will start & finish with pointing you towards reputable, accountable organizations you can trust, who really are doing the real work to bust trafficking systems, disrupt the demand, and safely extract those who are being exploited.

So here's why I, as a passionate human rights advocate and anti-trafficking sponsor, cannot get behind what seems to be a wonderful movie, "Sound of Freedom".

* The main actor, Jim Caveziel, espouses Qanon conspiracy theories and adulates Hitler.

* The organization, Operation Underground Railroad, has questionable operational and financial practices.

* The sensationalizing of a serious issue undermines the work of actual anti-trafficking organizations.

* Several men involved in OUR and SOF face allegations, & charges, of sexual abuse:

- Tim Ballard, subject of SOF & former founder of OUR: accused of sexual misconduct, removed from OUR, relationship with his LDS church severed.

- Paul Hutchinson, executive producer of SOF: molestation of an under-age trafficking victim.

- Fabian Marta, SOF funder: arrested & charged with felony child kidnapping; & ran "Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby" parties. Marta claims he "rescued the film after Disney tried to bury it".

- Leo Severino, SOF co-producer: groomed a 15 year old when he was a 30 year old youth counsellor

Most recent updates:

November 21, 2003

* Several of the women allege Ballard manipulated and groomed them while having them pose as their girlfriend or wife while on undercover missions.
* Mike Borys, another plaintiff, called Ballard an "evil man," and a "bully (who) has been allowed to carry out his disgusting deeds for far too long." 
* The group also accuses Operation Underground Railroad and its board of protecting Ballard when the women reported they had been sexually assaulted (by Ballard).

Listen to the women speak in their own words. He used his "couple's ruse" not to trick actual sex traffickers ... but to manipulate, exploit, bully and molest genuine Christian women who only served at Operation Underground Railroad because they genuinely wanted to combat the scourge of sex trafficking.

Women accusing OUR founder Tim Ballard of sexual assault speak out

My fellow Christians and conservatives: if you really want to stop human trafficking, bust pedophile networks and rescue victims:

1. Delete porn

2. Promote gender equality

3. Support reputable, evidence-based organizations with proper accountability

4. Buy Fair Trade 

5. LISTEN to the voices of actual survivors.

So that's your 60 second read. 

Now, I'll go into detail and provide the receipts.

Sound of Freedom gives a nod to Qanon conspiracy theories that project blame onto Jewish "elites" and ignore the rampant sex abuse by pastors & church leaders.
Anti-trafficking groups have long been warning that these lurid hashtag "Save Our Children" conspiracy theories are UNDER-MINING real anti-trafficking work
Although the film isn't a Qanon film per se, it is definitely Qanon adjacent - especially in the minds of those caught up in that far right conspiracy theory. 
There's no explicit Qanon content in the film. 
But, the actors & makers were (are?) fully into Qanon and sharing those harmful tropes. 
Others have serious concerns about the organisation, OUR. Which is a whole different layer of concern.
I personally have major concerns about Qanon and the pornographer dudes (Jim Watkins & Ron Watkins etc ) who cooked it up. 
In many people's minds, that distills down to mean "Democrats = evil" and "Republicans = good". 
This is a tactic of demonizing  and de-personalizing one's political and culture war opponents by depicting them as evil pedophiles, Satanists, Communists etc.
But all (real) anti-trafficking organizations confirm that these horrific crimes occur across the political spectrum and are perpetrated by people from all walks of life.
Pornography use is greatest in Bible belt regions.

Sexual abuse and pedophilia are rife throughout the leadership of the evangelical church
Same again with the leadership of the Republican Party. 
So, this "pizzagate" projection onto Democrats, based on lies, hate speech, delusions and conspiracy theories, is dangerous, misleading & unhelpful.
There are other articles discussing why the operational practices and financial practices of OUR are counter-productive and not above board.

We need to do better than what OUR, Tom Ballard and Jim Caviezel, Out of Shadows, Pizzagate, and hashtag Save Our Children. are serving up to avid consumers.
What is the point of fawning over an appealing "big white guy" action movie ... when over-whelmingly, "big white guys" are the very ones addicted to porn, too repressed and insecure to treat women as actual EQUALS, that drives the demand in the first place?
Where are the voices, sovereignty and agency of women in this movie?
Jim Caviezel, I appeal to you to do better. 
If even I, a middle-aged, suburban mum & former missionary living in Australia, could "do my own research" and figure out the Qanon was a load of utter nonsense, cooked up by a couple of computer-hacking, collective meme-trolling coders with ties to pornography, sex trafficking, Gamer-gate misogyny, incel culture & the "manosphere", LARPing, data-mining, neo-Naziism and mass shooters, I expect you to have enough nouse to do the same. 
You have a huge platform, you could potentially do so much good to combat misogyny, gender inequality, rape culture, the pornocracy, the sex-slave trade and human trafficking - but instead you have let yourself be bamboozled by a con, you've fallen down a rabbit hole of hateful conspiracy theories, and you've amplified absolute delusional bunkum that was merely a device to undermine democracy in your country.

Jim, I don't have a problem with you being as conservative-minded as you want.

I don't have a problem with you wanting to save children. 

I do have a problem with you spreading lies and disinformation that not only harm your fellow Americans who hold a different perspective on how to solve these very real problems to you, but also counter-productively undermine real efforts to thwart pedophile rings & stop trafficking.

I need you to be the kind of hero who speaks for mothers like ME.

I need you to be the kind of hero who stands in solidarity with women like THESE.

Do you really want to help stop porn-fed sex slave trade & human trafficking?
                    IF YOU CARE
PLEASE do your homework. This is going to take more than gasping in horror at an "influencer's" video or the latest 3-line 'hashtag-save-our-children" meme going viral (with the help of Russian troll farms).
* Read the Institute for Strategic Dialogue briefings - to better undersand the dynamics of extremism, polarization, conspiracy theories and disinformation campaigns
* Listen to reports from law enforcement specialised units actually going after, and busting human trafficking and pedophile rings, like Operation Ironside in Australia

* Sign this petition:
* Follow these reputable organizations (below) with their decades of experience and proven track record in these fields.
(Notice that one organization on their "Dirty Dozen" list, in amongst huge corporations and social media platforms, is Kanakuk, a CHRISTIAN kids camp.)
If we truly want to fight sex trafficking we need to...
 Invest in safe houses & restoration centers.
 Reach out to local women working in the commercial sex industry.
Value family & invest in young boys & girls about their worth & create safe places.
Talk with children about their own safety & boundaries with others. Teach consent. Teach accurate names for genitalia, i.e. vulva/penis.
Diligently manage children/teen social media usage.
Invest time & resource into the foster care/adoption system.
Understand the very real connection between pornography and sex trafficking. STOP the demand.
Help take care of the most vulnerable around us…help safeguard them from being vulnerable to trafficking.
Set up your churches, daycares, schools and organizations to safeguard from abuse. 
Let that information change the way that we:
Create an understanding that 70% of female trafficking victims are trafficked into the commercial sex industry…Prostitution, massage parlors, pornography, stripping and escorting.

Set a standard in our communities that we value people… Not bodies. We don’t use people. We validate people’s experiences. We speak up for justice. We come alongside. We truly love our neighbors.
Books to read -
Scars & Stilletos- Harmony Dust
Girls Like Us- Rachel Lloyd
Paid For- Rachel Moran 
Sold - Patricia McCormick
Groomed - Elizabeth Melendez Fisher

I'm seeing posts on social media implying that any criticism of SoF and OUR is only because concerns & critique of the culture war politics and poor organizational practices & lack of accountability is only because we're all a pack of pedophiles or pedophile-enablers. 
See that? Buy the narrative 100% or you're a Bad Guy. No critical thinking allowed. No calls for proper accountability permitted. 
Our doubts and questions are all because " we just want to keep the scourge of child sex trafficking hidden".
Friends, we don't want the scourge of HT "hidden", we just want the lies, exaggerations and disinformation brought to light & corrected, so that real anti-trafficking work is not undermined.
Is OUR willing to listen to victim survivors, advocates & anti-trafficking experts to correct their harmful practices? 
International Justice Mission did.
Are we, the evangelical church, willing to act to PREVENT porn addiction and the sex trafficking demand that it drives?

We've had screaming headlines every day about the scourge of child sexual abuse, rape and pedophilia by CHURCH PASTORS, the very men who lecture us on morality, and it's just *crickets* from most of the religious right. 
They only like it when the men of the white evangelical church are framed as the righteous rescuing heroes.

That's not good enough.

Listen to victims, survivors and experts.

Stop preaching misogyny, male headship and female subjugation to male rule, and stop covering up abuse in Christian homes, schools, camps & churches.

Delete porn. Christian men are the biggest addicts. Josh Duggar (19 Children & Counting; Family Research Council; Shiny Happy People) is only one high profile case.

This is what we need to do, rather than project the blame for the rape slave trade & trafficking onto "others" and styling ourselves as the righteous rescuing heroes.

This white fragility nonsense, where we can never be *wrong* and can never own up to our own culpability in a problem, has got to stop.
Whipping up sympathy that we all naturally feel for little kids, to incite culture war aggression against political opponents while we sweep under the rug the fact that the vast majority of people caught in the global sex slave trade are WOMEN, because the church has been steeped in "bad girl" misogyny for decades, is not good enough.

Church, we need to get our facts straight, repent of spiritualizing misogyny and normalizing sexual servitude for girls & women, and DO BETTER.

Reporting on the movie, Sound of Freedom (SoF) and the organization it show-cases, Operation Underground Railroad (OUR):

"The charity’s methodology seemed to actually encourage trafficking behavior in some instances, sources said."

Sound of Freedom: the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America

"The first rule of QAnon: you don’t talk about QAnon where the normals can hear you. Caviezel has saved that for his promotional media appearances, such as a recent drop-in to Steve Bannon’s show War Room; and on MyPillow proprietor Mike Lindell’s streaming channel Lindell TV."


Why Anti-Trafficking Experts Are Torching ‘Sound of Freedom’

The new movie offers a "false perception" of child trafficking that experts worry could further harm the real victims 

Anti-Trafficking Group With Long History of False Claims Gets Its Hollywood Moment

Operation Underground Railroad has spent years making big, often unprovable claims about its paramilitary missions and role in rescuing trafficked kids. 

Now, let's hear from some other voices. 
Did anyone really consult with the Black community before deciding to co-opt the name, "Underground Railroad"?
 By Chris Utley:
"As a Black man, I find it incredibly offensive that they chose the term Operation Underground Railroad to name their cause. I find it equally offensive that they besmirched the legacy of Harriet Tubman by curating a photo of her bowing down to him in reverence as he carries a child to their freedom. These are just continual examples of how white men feel that they can just co-op the legacies of my people for their own benefit. 
Disagree if you must. But it is absolutely hypocritical to know that this man is declaring that God’s children aren’t for sale when his ancestors endorsed the selling and wholesale destruction of my ancestors who were ALSO God’s children. It is sickening." 
How does it go over with people actually working in the anti-trafficking field?
"Raising awareness of human trafficking has been one of my biggest passions for eleven years. I’ve gone through trainings, I consistently listen to lectures, speeches, discussions, etc. about it, I’ve done volunteer work, and I advocate as much as possible. I refuse to watch movies like that and encourage others not to either. Tim Ballard and OUR are VERY problematic. He’s a serial liar who uses and manipulates people and stories. OUR uses questionable methods. They spread lies. They don’t even understand the whole issue of trafficking or sex work. People who work with them have been accused of SA. Their financials are questionable at best. OUR has even been under investigation. Ballard only cares about gaining popularity and money.
This movie and others like it are irresponsible. Real victims have even said before that they didn’t realize they were being trafficked because it wasn’t like the movies. That’s so sad.
And yes, both Tim Ballard and Jim Caviezel spread Qanon conspiracies. Even when every other organization doing the REAL work does what they can to get the facts out to everyone. It’s not okay."

From Mindy E Summers on Instagram:
Mindy writes:

"I’m gonna lose some people here with this one but for those who have ears to hear…hang with me here for a second.

I have had my eyes and ears in the anti sex trafficking world for a long long time.

Some know about our efforts - some don’t and that’s okay. This isn’t about that.

But this is what I want to say…

I am so so weary of sex trafficking advocacy being…

2- misinformed
3- harmful
4- a distraction from the real issue

I’ve sat with victims.
I’ve waited in the ER.
I’ve held sobbing women.
I’ve prayed and helped make connections.
I’ve sat on coalition boards & community teams to help solve an ongoing injustice.
I’ve talked with many groups about many aspects of this nuanced horror.

& I’m not sure much makes me more grieved than to see the real pain and suffering being mislabeled & dramatized.

The work of anti trafficking is restorative. It’s not sexy. It’s not glamorous. No one looks like a hero. It’s LONG. It’s slow work of rebuilding trust. It takes years of butts on the same chairs looking hurting people in the eyes.

Awareness is important. But when our awareness shows a skewed portrayal of the issue & centers around a hero…that’s not helpful.

Please don’t rush to theaters and find poster boards with “save our children”… and miss what very credible organizations teach us about how trafficking most commonly works.

There’s a new movie out. It features an org that has a massive list of allegations against them. Lacking integrity. Getting rich. Victims often left behind. But drama sells. So here we are.

If you want to fight sex trafficking here are some ways:

-educate yourself about the vulnerabilities of the foster care system
-learn about how children are groomed by people they know and trust
-support your local sexual abuse response team
-raise awareness on the harms of porn
-invest in young people
-resource under resourced communities
-know that 90% of sex trafficking happens in the commercial sex industry
-care for runaway youth
-be close to the most vulnerable
-spend your $, time, prayer & investment in credible spaces.

Check with orgs like @polarisproject to learn more.
Let’s stop sensationalizing."
Jim Stewartson is an anti-disinformation activist who has been tracking Qanon & related conspirarcy theories for years.
Jim uncovered news that one of the funders of the Sound of Freedom movie has been arrested for child kidnapping. 


In this thread:
Jim writes:
"Please meet Fabia Marta who runs “Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby” parties, who is also credited at the end of “Sound of Freedom.”

He claims that he rescued the film after “Disney tried to bury it.” 


The church cannot speak against sex trafficking until it admits its own abuse problems

"If we can awaken the church to speak up about its own secrets, then we can eradicate sex trafficking,” she said. “We have to see the sexual sin in our own pews before we can see that healing and before churches can fire on all cylinders.”

That begins with recognizing how the sexual exploitation of children and human trafficking are connected, she said. “Child sex abuse is the hidden root of sex trafficking.”

 - Elizabeth Melendez Fisher Good

How the messages of patriarchy, male supremacy/female subjugation, male sexual entitlement/female sexual obligation, and purity culture in our evangelical churches contribute to sexual exploitation and sex trafficking:

Wild At Heart: QAnon, Sex Trafficking, and Evangelical Masculinity

"The rise of QAnon conspiracy is rooted in the same fantasies of rescue as those found in much mainstream evangelical mission culture, and we ignore this link at the risk of missing the next insurgence of this disenchanted fairytale."

- Kimberly Rose Pendleton

Inside Argos, the police task force that has rescued thousands of children from their abusers

"One such operation, reported by 7.30, led to the arrest of Shannon McCoole, a South Australian child protection worker revealed to be a child-sex offender and the administrator of a paedophile chat board with 45,000 members. In collaboration with overseas police agencies, Task Force Argos has rescued thousands of children from their abusers."


Secret 'dark net' operation saves scores of children from abuse; ringleader Shannon McCoole behind bars after police take over child porn site

A Suspicious "Sound of Freedom" - The child-sex-trafficking action movie, "Sound of Freedom" has exploded onto the scene, especially among right-wing conservatives. But there's reason to suspect the producers and star are using a legitimate human rights horror to fuel Q conspiracies.


QAnon supporters are promoting 'Sound of Freedom.' Here's why

"But Ballard recently told right-wing podcadster Jordan Peterson that adrenochrome harvesting is real."

"In press appearances promoting Sound of Freedom, Caviezel continues to spout QAnon falsehoods. On a recent episode of former Trump adviser Steve Bannon's podcast, Caviezel claimed "the whole adrenochrome empire" is driving demand for trafficked children. "It's an elite drug that they've used for many years," he asserted, falsely claiming it is "10 times more potent than heroin" and "has some mystical qualities as far as making you look younger."


The Adrenochrome Conspiracy Theory—Pushed By ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Star—Explained

How Sound of Freedom Misrepresents Its Subject—and Why the Movie Is So Seductive

"This is the exact point where a legitimate problem and dangerous conspiracy theory meet."

"Perhaps mass-distributed misinformation about child abductions wouldn’t be so bad, except we know that overblown fears of this kind of practice lead to widespread paranoia and societal scapegoating ..."


By Jodi Sauders Wahba

Many people have asked me about the new movie Sounds of Freedom (SoF) which focuses on Human Trafficking (HT). 

I just saw the movie & can share my insights.

First, remember it is a movie (not a documentary).  

While it is based on real events, some parts are enhanced & fictionalized. Such as, unfortunately they DID NOT RECOVER THE SISTER. This scene is mainly about another recovery mission. I am including a link to an article going over the truths of the movie.   

HT involves both Labor & Sex Trafficking. HT happens in ALL Countries & is in EVERY USA STATE. In 2021, the USA had over 16,000 reported victims of HT & this number is expected to be grossly below the actual number.

SoF is portraying an INTERNATIONAL HT situation. Keep in mind this is very different from USA/DOMESTIC HT.  Internationally, it is not uncommon for HT to occur through abduction. In the USA HT is RARELY AN ABDUCTION (ONLY 3% of the time). In the USA HT HAPPENS THROUGH A RELATIONSHIP (family, romantic, friend, neighbor).  This is VERY important to understand. You do not have to worry about being kidnapped at a store, marks on a tire in a parking lot or your kids walking around a neighborhood. You need to focus on who they are in a relationship with (especially online)! 

In SoF the rescue work was done in collaboration with professionals (police/military). Private individuals are NOT equipped to physically remove HT individuals. Internationally, when people are trafficking through abduction, they know they are somewhere they should not be and a rescue mission will look differently.  

DOMESTICALLY, where individuals are NOT ABDUCTED, they often do not view themselves as being trafficked. It takes building a RELATIONSHIP with the victim for them to understand what is happening to them is not ok.  This often takes many interactions to create trust with a person.

IMO, the biggest fictionalized problem with the movie was the inaccurate portrayal of the TRAUMA the SURVIVORS endure and the LONG RECOVERY process they will go through for YEARS. When we watch a movie we want to feel good at the end of it, but in reality, Survivors would not be smiling and clapping to We Will Rock You moments after a recovery. This is important because resources for Survivor's Recovery is so very essential for their healing process.  They need extensive resources from the organizations and the government (see NC HB 591 for Child Restitution that Shield NC is helping to get passed). If we believe they will just be so happy to be rescued then we are missing the trauma they experienced, the trauma of the rescue/getting out, and the long ongoing recovery.
SoF starts off by focusing on arresting pedophiles & implies this is not enough.

However, IT IS VERY IMPORTANT!  Focusing on reducing the demand for HT is essential for ending HT. Individuals continue to be trafficked because people are willing to purchase other humans. It is important to understand how the USA contributes to the DEMAND Internationally & Domestically. The USA DRIVES the DEMAND! We are the #1 consumer of child exploitation material. Whether it's traveling to other countries, bringing trafficked individuals here or trafficking within our borders, the USA is the one highly funding the demand. Trafficking happens in ALL areas of the sex industry including: Prostitution, Pornography, Strip Clubs & Illicit Massage.  The USA MUST FOCUS ON THE PURCHASERS/CONSUMERS.   

Seeing SoF, does not help end HT if you just stop there!  Here are some ways you can help end HT: 

** Support financially/resources/volunteer with local Nonprofits in the Anti-Human Trafficking Movement. I of course support Shield NC but there are others as well (Designed For Joy/ NC Stop Human Trafficking, & others).

**Support legislation & nonprofits (financial/resources) that reduce vulnerabilities such as: Affordable Housing, Foster Care, Food Insecurity and  LGBTQ+ (esp. teens).

**Learn accurate HT signs & how to respond (sign up for the next HT 101 training through Shield NC ). 

**There have been large improvements over the years in Federal, State & Local policies & these need to continue to expand. Stay up to date on what Bills are being proposed.

**Learn about LABOR TRAFFICKING & commit to buying more fair trade products. 


By Gail Chance:

"With Joe (my husband) working as an investigator in ICAC, doing this work for roughly 10 years… working within the federal task force and even working to solve cases that cross national borders…. I trust his insights along with the many others we have met along the way doing the work. 

ATTENTION to this matter is essential, just make sure you are educating yourself with proper resources. Ok here are words from someone I know in the field: 

“No one of real knowledge and expertise in the industry (think the national human trafficking hotline, Polaris Project, Amnesty International, Anti-Slavery International, I could go on) is backing this film or recommending this film or sponsoring it."

You know who is?? Operation Underground Railroad (OUR), an arm of The Nazarene Fund (TNF), a non-profit that is owned by right wing conservatives & QAnon folks. Glenn Beck is the founder of TNF. 

The movie is basically a glorification of the man who runs OUR, Tim Ballard, who claims to have saved thousands from human trafficking. 

There’s a couple of problems with that assertion: (1) no one can account for these thousands of victims, not even Tim Ballard, Glenn Beck, OUR, or TNF and (2) it has been found, via information from the National trafficking hotline and law enforcement information on victim retrievals that the majority of victims are brought into trafficking by people they know - family members, intimate partners, and friends - so the whole premise of Ballard’s rescues doesn’t match what the statistics of known cases show. 

It’s just another way to fear monger against people who don’t fit their molds, making them out to be villainous and evil, when facts show that not to be the case.

OUR, Ballard, Beck don't do any post-“rescue” support, advocacy, rehabilitation, reentry, nothing. They “rescue” and leave. 

And no one can really vouch for their rescues - multiple reputable journalists and media outlets over the past 10 years can’t find proof they happened, or didn’t happen, outside of the videos Tim Ballard takes when doing them. He claims to have saved thousands of kids, but no one can ever find any to say they’ve been saved by him. He won’t even allow journalists to validate his credentials (he claims to be former CIA and DHS). There isn’t much info on him outside of his tightly controlled narrative based out of his non-profit.

The Atlantic did a piece about finding the true statistics of human trafficking which, in part, also touched on Ballard and OUR - (the audio version of the article is free, in case you find the written article is behind a paywall).

As someone who works against human trafficking, I’m all for getting all eyes on it, but this film isn’t doing that. It’s glorifying 1 guy, who may or may not be worth glorifying (most likely not) and perpetuating myths and conspiracies.

OUR’s approach to NGO work in the human trafficking space is unsavory and dangerous. It spreads really bad misinformation that keeps the facts about human trafficking hidden and the real traffickers safe.

Seeing the film is simply lining Glenn Beck’s pockets and detracting from the ability of legitimate non-profits/NGOs to help victims and spread the true facts of trafficking.”

Never mind that according to the DOJ of those charged for sex trafficking 63% are white, but once again there is a white savior complex, and of course the antagonists are of color when in reality they are more likely to be white."

This post by Aleassa Jarvis is the best thing I've read so far:


"Not only do porn and patriarchy share the same core belief, they also share the same dehumanizing message—you were made to serve me. You are valued to the extent that you fulfill my wishes.
Let’s just say it like it is. When we say “68% of church-going men struggle with porn” what we are actually saying is 68% of church-going men struggle to see women as fully human.
You can’t say that church-going women today are viewed as equals by church-going men when they are repeatedly dehumanized and objectified by their Christian brothers on a regular basis.

As long as there are churches in this country teaching women that they are more easily deceived than men,
that men are entitled to unconditional respect,
that men will turn to porn or adultery if they aren’t given sex on demand,
that marital rape does not exist,
that wives dishonor God when they leave abusive marriages,
that female bodies of all ages are threats to men’s fragile sexual integrity,
that God calls women to martyr themselves to evil husbands,
that women and children can provoke rape or assault with their clothing,
that God wants children to obey and keep quiet about their abusive parents,
that blames teenage victims of clergy sexual abuse,
that praises women for remaining married to men in prison for consuming child sex abuse materials or sexually abusing children—
then we cannot claim to see women or children as equal to men.
You cannot use, abuse, consume, or dominate another person without first lowering their humanity."

- by Aleassa Jarvis

Lauren Pinkston has an educational piece critiquing the whole thing: it’s worth reading. This is her lane. 


Sound of Freedom: An anti-trafficking movie plagued by controversy has just landed in Australia

Protecting children from traffickers is a dignified cause. But this movie has been caught in a web of controversy.

“Sound of Freedom”—Gateway Drug to Genocide
A film funded, performed and promoted by grifters, propagandists and fascists should not be normalized


Tizzy Ent - Why I don't support SoF


Out of Shadows - we've seen these propaganda tactics before


Catching Pedophiles in a Global Pornocracy - if only that really was the agenda


Hashtag Save Our Children - is it really save our children - or save our president? 


Pots & Kettles - sexual abuse is rampant throughout the leadership of the evangelical church 


Q Sent Me - the conspiracy theory has yielded quite a body count


The Qanon scam was cooked up by pornographer Jim Watkins, called "the King of Porn", who set up porn sites to evade regulation by Asian governments, and directly contributed to widespread child sex abuse & trafficking in The Philippines & other Asian countries, and his son Ron Watkins - a hacker who was part of Steve Bannon's "Gamergate" misogyny-fest.

Given that Qanon claims to be about "saving children" from a "global pedophile elite" (really just a regurgitation of old anti-Semitic tropes blaming Jews for everything from pandemics to recessions to child sacrifice), it seems ironic that so many of these pedophilia-obsessed, hash-tag-save-our-children types turn out to be depraved perpetrators themselves.


Regarding the men across social media, that are so incensed about the allegations against such as Trump, Tate, Giuliani, Tom Ballard (of Sound of Freedom), Russell Brand, the hundreds of thousands of church pastors etc:
"These men are INNOCENT of sexual assault!"
... is not where they're headed.
Their end goal is: 
"There's nothing WRONG with sexual assault!"
And after that comes:
"It's our RIGHT to commit sexual assault, and women are obligated to accept it!"
Just watch.