I get it, it's complicated.
Remember, I was a non-vaxxing mother before all this started!
On one hand, people have good reason to be leery of forced consumption of monopoly product in a capitalist system marked by greed and corruption.
On the other hand, deliberately deployed disinformation mass delusion campaigns via troll farms and AI algorithms have completely muddied the issues and polarized people.
I have written HERE about conspiracy theories and disinformation during other pandemics.
HERE is the story of the swarming tactics I saw in an on-line anti-vax group.
So what to do?
Jab or no jab?
Honestly ... even though I deplore politicization and disinformation , can I just admit to being a little ... *reluctant* myself?
On the other hand ... my Mum, brother and two daughters have had the jab so far, with no negative effects.
My default setting is to go natural and avoid medical intervention unless truly warranted. That is how I approached childbirth, and most things to do with my health.
But - having been through SARS previously, while we lived in Hong Kong, I know Covid is real and that even the most robust immune system doesn't always deal well with a novel virus. I got the 'Russian' Flu when I was 12 and was so sick, I would not have known or cared if I died, I was so out of it.
And there is a time and a place to accept medical intervention. There is a risk:benefit equation to consider with *any* intervention, and there is with this also.
Friends in USA who've had Covid and recovered have shared how awful the air hunger was and how they truly thought they were *going* to die (but thank heavens, they recovered).
I do personally know of one person who had a negative reaction, affecting her sight. OK so that's concerning.
But I also know of three people personally, right here in Melbourne - two who very nearly died, and one who sadly did. The first two - are the parents of someone who went to a protest and brought home Covid to her parents. She was fine. She watched both of her parents very nearly die. The third person was strongly religious and into all the ideology and vert anti-vax. He's now dead, his pregnant wife is on a ventilator, and their four children all have Covid (I don't know if they are unwell or not).
Right here in Melbourne. So that's concerning too.
Update: my husband and I are now double vaxxed. We experienced no adverse effects.
But anecdotal perspectives aside, to really make a reasonable decision, we have to look beyond the subjectives of anectodes and personal experience and look at the bigger picture:
Now for some resources that I have found reliable and helpful, in making these complex and sometimes fraught decisions:
Sarah Stogryn of Canada - doula and herbalist like myself:
100+ sources I've found helpful when learning about the COVID-19 vaccines
Well known Melbourne doctor who has been covering Covid information (and disinformation) assiduously:
Dr Sara Marzouk's Facebook page
This not-for-profit has done a lot of work on COVID disinformation, including identifying the key players at the top of that entire MLM, how COVID vaccine disinformation benefits them financiall etc, and the key "master narratives" that almost all COVID and vaccine misinformation reflect:
- Exposing anti-vaxxers' deadly plan to disrupt Covid vaccines, and how we can stop them
Sincere Christians should also examine and be aware that the same Russian troll farm disinformation campaigns that deliberately targeted the Christian faith community have likewise targeted the Muslim, Jewish, New Age, Spanish-speaking and other minority communities.
Russia’s Anti-Vaccine Propaganda is Tantamount to a Declaration of War
the source of much of the misinformation about vaccines comes from an
unobvious source: the Russian government’s propaganda apparatus, which
cultivates and exploits foreign anti-vaccine “useful idiots,” causing
palpable harm to Americans and citizens of other Western countries.
‘It’s almost like grooming’: how anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists, and the far-right came together over COVID
6 month safety and efficacy data of the Pfizer vaccine confirm that it remains both safe and effective. Protection against severe disease is maintained at very high levels (despite some waning and a decrease in antibody levels noted in some studies).
Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine through 6 Months
3. At the very least, wait for the Principle trial.
Ivermectin: Much More Than You Wanted To Know
You could say it "opens a can of worms". Because as you'll know, Ivermection has been used for decades to treat lice, scabies, and intestinal parasites.
Check out this snippet:
"As several doctors and researchers have pointed out (h/t especially Avi Bitterman and David Boulware), the most impressive studies come from places that are teeming with worms. Mahmud from Bangladesh, Ravakirti from East India, Lopez-Medina from Colombia, etc."
"Here’s the prevalence of roundworm infections by country (source). But alongside roundworms, there are threadworms, hookworms, blood flukes, liver flukes, nematodes, trematodes, all sorts of worms. Add them all up and somewhere between half and a quarter of people in the developing world have at least one parasitic worm in their body."
Being full of worms may impact your ability to fight coronavirus ..."Ivermectin doesn’t reduce mortality in COVID a significant amount (let’s say d > 0.3) in the absence of co-morbid parasites
Parasitic worms are a significant confounder in some Ivermectin studies, such that they made them get a positive result even when honest and methodologically sound.
The only thing it doesn't mention is the Principle Trial, because results haven't been published yet - but it's good to know about it and keep an eye out.
Debunking Ivermectin: A Complete Guide
by Nick Mark, 30 September 2021
And this from Dr Sara Marzouk:

This Systematic Review of Ivermection (June 2021) led by Andrew Bryant looked promising ... but was dogged by dodgy data and corruption involving one of the studies they included:
Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis to Inform Clinical Guidelines
as explained here:
Flawed ivermectin preprint highlights challenges of COVID drug studies
I recommend the work of Denise Murphy Plichta as a reliable source of accurate information:
Covid-19: The Delta Variant
As well as vaccines, there are positive developments with certain therapeutics. Watch this space:
Have Australian researchers developed an effective COVID-19 treatment? Potentially, but we need to wait for human trials
and this:
COVID: 90% of patients treated with new Israeli drug discharged in 5 days
To vaxx or not to vaxx? Is this really the question?
August 2021
An open letter to all the agnostic fence sitters out there.
I am sure a lot of people could relate to this bit:
But Big Pharma are greedy and out to get us
I can understand and completely empathise with your skepticism of big pharma, big profits and the shortcomings of capitalism. Totally get that. Having worked in the world's largest pharmaceutical company in oncology, I experienced first hand how greedy and manipulative they can be - yet I also witnessed the rigor and pedantry of the drug approval process and how these medications save lives. I ask you this, is a pandemic the right time to tear down the system, to fundamentally rewrite the governance of the free market and world economics? Is this the right way forward, now? Or should we maybe all get vaccinated first and make sure our elderly, sick and compromised friends and family are okay and then work out how to tackle greed and the inequities of free market capitalism and this twisted system?
Because I agree with you, the system sucks and needs to be overhauled - yet timing is also everything.
For Christians who have been led to believe that governments/health agencies/ the vaccines are evil/have a bad agenda/are the mark of the beast, this is a vital read:
"Whatever your opinion is of COVID and the vaccine, you’re totally entitled to it. I’m not bashing anyone who doesn’t want the vaccine. What I am bashing is being controlled by fear and buying into fake news and garbage conversations that do nothing but produce anger toward people who differ with you on this topic.Make your decision by educating yourself with credible sources and stand by it. No matter your choice, we can still love Jesus together. But don’t spread fear. Don’t spread anger. Don’t forget that Christ is still King."